Ernest Moyer Birth of a Divine Revelation



Ch 13 The Strange Myth of Wilfred Custer Kellogg



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The Strange Myth of

Wilfred Custer Kellogg

Since publication of the Revelation in 1955 a strange myth floated through the community of those who accepted The Urantia Papers. Many believed the Papers were channeled, and that Wilfred Custer Kellogg was the channeler.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Urantia Papers were not channeled, and Wilfred Kellogg had nothing to do with the method of transmission of the Papers.

This strange myth was promoted by Martin Gardner in his book, Urantia, The Great Cult Mystery. He too proposed that The Urantia Papers were channeled and spent a chapter showing his reasons why he thought Wilfred was the channeler.

Gardner’s thesis was merely the easiest road he could find to explain the origin of the Revelation, based on the common but erroneous theory of Wilfred. Gardner had picked up this idea from Urantians and, since he was unwilling to dig into the actual facts of the history of Sadler and The Urantia Papers, went off on this nonsense. Gardner had considerable information at his disposal to show that Wilfred was not the Sleeping Subject but, in his desire to denigrate the Revelation, consciously rejected and censored important data. I shall briefly review the facts.

Who was Wilfred Custer Kellogg? How was he connected with William Sadler and The Urantia Papers?

Wilfred was a half first cousin to Lena Kellogg Sadler. He married Lena’s full sister Anna Bell. Refer to the Kellogg genealogy.

John Harvey Kellogg, of Battle Creek Sanitarium fame, was a full brother to William Keith Kellogg, of breakfast cereal fame. A half brother, Smith Moses Kellogg, was the father of Lena and Anna Bell Kellogg. Emma, a full sister to John Harvey and William Keith, married Charles Leonidas Sobeski Kellogg, a Kellogg from another side of the family. Wilfred Custer Kellogg was their son.

Emma and Charles were fourth cousins; the grandfathers of Ezekiel Kellogg and Josiah Kellogg were brothers. Wilfred’s father, Charles Leonidas Sobeski Kellogg, served in the Civil War one year with the Vermont Volunteer Heavy Artillery, was an eye witness to Sheridan’s ride from Winchester to Cedar Creek, and was present at the battles of Cedar Creek and Appomattox. After honorable discharge he became a traveling salesman and later a minister in the SDA in Battle Creek.

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Ezekiel Kellogg

Moses Eastman  

Josiah Kellogg

Josiah Call

son daughter son daughter
Edward b. New Salem, MA Dec.12, 1802 Betsy Wheeler b. Bethlehem, NH March 11,1808

John Preston b. Hadley, MA Feb.14, 1803

Mary Ann b. Springfield, MA Jan.10,1811



Persis Parker

Merritt Gardn er b. March 2 8, 1 833

Smith Moses b. March 16, 1834

Betsy Berkeley

Albert b. April 7, 18 36


Julia Elvira b. Feb. 3, 183 8


Martha Preston b. Feb. 18, 184 0

Abbina Frances

John Preston

Ann Janette Stanley b. March 20,18 24

Edward Burg e

Emma Leora

Susan Mary

Charles Leonidas Sobeski  b. Richmond, VT J un e 14 , 1847
Moses Eastman




Mary A. b. March 31 , 1843

Laura Evelyn b. Aug. 2 9, 1845


Emma Frances b. Sept. 13 , 18 47 d. Au g. 29, 1849

Emma b. Feb. 7, 18 50


John Harvey b. Feb. 26, 18 52

Preston b. Feb. 24 ,18 54


William Keith b. April 7, 186 0


Clara Belle b. Sept. 1 1, 186 3


Hester Ann b. No v. 6 , 1866

Charles Leonidas Sobeski Kellogg

Emma Kellogg

Smith Moses Kellogg

Maria Susan Dickinson



Wilfred Custer b. Oct 3, 1 87 6

Arthu r Edwin b. May 23 , 18 67

Claude Eastman b. May 2,1 87 8

Walter Eugene b. March 13, 187 0

Claire Lewis b. Sept. 7 , 1882

Charles Presto n b. Dec. 21, 187 1

Sumner Lavern e b. J an 16 , 18 92

Lena Celestia b. J une 1 0,1 87 5

Ray Stanley b. June 6, 18 94

Anna Bell b. June 3, 18 77

Ruth Kellogg daughter of Wilfred Custer and Anna Bell Kellogg

13 - A Strange Myth ~179~

The Kelloggs were thick into the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Moses Eastman Kellogg, Wilfred’s uncle, was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1802. Moses Eastman was named after his maternal grandfather. He was the son of Rev. Edward Kellogg who joined the New Hampshire and Vermont conference of the Methodist Evangelical Church in May 1832 and was ordained. He and his wife, Betsy Wheeler Eastman, embraced the doctrines of the Seventh Day Adventists in 1856 and remained in that faith until their death. Moses Eastman was born in East Richford, Vermont in 1850. He married Orebal Regina Austin in Berkshire, Vermont in 1874, and thereafter moved to Battle Creek. He was ordained into the SDA and wrote a book entitled, The Supremacy of Peter. He was an editor and editorial writer for SDA publications from 1891 to 1897.

On the other side of the family John Preston married twice. His first wife, Mary Ann Call died September 27, 1841, whereupon he married Ann Janette Stanley on March 29, 1842. Ann Stanley had served as a maid and help to the John Preston Kellogg household; she was twenty years junior to John Preston, but they had a kind and compassionate relationship which resulted in nine children. The last, Hester Ann, was born in 1866 when John Preston was sixty-three years old. He was a broom manufacturer who resided in Tyrone, Flint, Jackson and later Battle Creek, Michigan. He was also a Seventh Day Adventist and belonged to the Republican political party. He was father to the famous Kelloggs. He died in Battle Creek on May 10, 1881.

The above facts are listed in The Kelloggs In the Old World and the New by Timothy Hopkins, Sunset Press, San Francisco, 1903.

I traced entries in the Battle Creek City Directory from 1883, the year William Sadler first went to Battle Creek, until 1916, when interest in that city, for our search, became unnecessary. Thirteen Kelloggs are listed in the 1883 Directory; of those only John Harvey concerns this investigation. By 1916 the number of Kellogg entries had increased to more than forty-five. They were a prolific family, with many branches. The tradition of certain family names pervaded all branches. For example, Moses Eastman Kellogg was an uncle to Wilfred, Lena and Anna. But Smith Moses Kellogg was the father of Lena and Anna descended from another branch. The Battle Creek City Directory shows another Moses Smith Kellogg from still another branch. He moved into Battle Creek in 1901 where he lived with a son named Arthur and died there in 1907 at the age of 87.

Many Kelloggs worked for the SDA and their publishing enterprises. Moses Eastman first shows up in 1893 as editor of the Review and Herald. In 1896 he was editor of the Youth’s Instructor. In the City Directory of 1897-1898 he is listed merely as a journalist, with his home at 348 Van Buren. The 1901-02 entry says he removed to Cooper Station, New York, but the 1903-04 directory has him back again as a travel agent, still at 348 Van Buren. In 1907 he became a driver for the Sanitarium, and in 1910 he was a teamster for the Kellogg Food Co. He continues in the directory until 1916, the last date I checked.

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We can also follow the career of William K. Kellogg of breakfast cereal fame, who first appears as a bookkeeper, residing at 107 Champion. In 1887 he is shown again as a bookkeeper, but now for the Health Publishing Co. residing at 349 Champion. Somewhere between 1889 and 1890 he moved again, but this time to 246 Champion. In 1891 he appears as the business manager of the Good Health Publishing Co. William Sadler worked with him during this period. In 1895 W. K. Kellogg is shown as the manager of the Modern Medicine Co. at 65 Washington. These were all enterprises of John Harvey Kellogg. William Kellogg continued to rise in importance on the Battle Creek scene until, in 1906, he organized the breakfast food company which bore his name, and became an important contributor to the region’s economy.

Lena Kellogg appears in the City Directory twice, both times as a nurse at the Sanitarium, first in 1893 and again in 1897. Her sister Anna first appears in 1897 and continues until 1904, when she removes to Paris, Illinois. This may be where the parents of the girls then lived, for Lena and William Sadler were married in Paris in 1897 when Lena was twenty-two years old. Many of the Kelloggs were highly mobile.

Wilfred first appears in the 1896 City Directory at the age of twenty as a clerk for the Modern Medicine Publishing Co., residing in the South Hall of the Sanitarium, and working for his uncle William K. Kellogg. Wilfred’s father died in Lancaster, Massachusetts on May 18, 1896 at the early age of 49. Wilfred’s mother Emma first appears in 1897. Apparently Emma and her children moved to Battle Creek after the death of the husband and father.

Children were not listed in City Directories until they came of age. Some may have married or moved away, and thus never appear. The table shows the business positions of Wilfred, his home address, which continued for many years to be his mother’s address, together with his siblings who were listed. Apparently Wilfred did not move into his own residence independent of his mother until 1911, when he was thirty-five years old. By that time he had important managerial positions with his uncle, William Keith. He married Anna Bell the following year.

The listings suggest that Wilfred was an ever larger figure on the Battle Creek scene. He was promoted to increasing levels of responsibility in commercial activities. The listings also show that he was working for both John Harvey Kellogg and William Keith Kellogg after 1906, the year William Keith separated from John Harvey. But appearances can be deceiving. I have copies of a series of letters written by Wilfred to his uncle W. K. Kellogg which clearly show he had serious personal problems. His letters are in the files of the W. K. Kellogg foundation in Battle Creek. The letters first appear when W. K. Kellogg started his own operation for breakfast foods in 1906. Previous letters from Wilfred would have been in the files of the Sanitarium operations, now lost, or scattered in various archives.

September 20, 1906.

W. K. Kellogg

13 - A Strange Myth ~181~

I have been having two or three bad days. Dr. Read tells me that I must have a couple of months of quiet and rest. He says that I can be in the office a while each day and that after a year or two of this kind of thing, I shall be in fairly good shape. Yesterday he advised an out-of-town vacation but today has consented to have me live at Goguac, take some treatment at the Sanitarium. He tells me that if I will do this there is no reason why I cannot be in the office a short time each day; at least an hour.

You know without my telling you that I am more than sorry to find myself in this shape. Of course, the only thing for me to do now is to take care of myself and get out of the hole as soon as possible. Dr. Read assures me that with care, I will overcome this condition.

The work at the office is well organized so that by making some slight readjustments, I think things will go along fairly well for a couple of months. My suggestion would be to let Goff take formal charge of things. By coming every day myself for a while I can take care of problems that the rest of the people cannot handle. Covert has his work well in hand and is doing nicely with it. Effie is handling payroll to much better advantage than I supposed she would. Neilson, of course, can look after his work and Len is doing first class at the warehouse.

I suggest that Goff be placed in formal charge of the office as I don’t believe in leaving so many people without a head. This arrangement will enable me to keep up the work I am doing in connection with the Corn Flake business and look after the insurance and do some of the necessary things in connection with the Sanitas and Food Co. business.

If Spaulding comes, I believe I could use French to good advantage, provided you care to spare him. I have a system of daily reports in operation at the office that enables me, without going into the details of the work, to keep things well in hand. The matter of compensation is one that I will leave to your generosity. I shall go to the office a little while this afternoon.


This letter is informative in a number of ways:

1. Wilfred must have had a fairly responsible position. Effie was in charge of accounting; Len of the warehouse, probably including shipping and receiving. Other personnel, including Neilson, Covert, and Goff, apparently reported to Wilfred.

2. Wilfred’s problem is mental, not physical. He is asking for relief from the pressures of the job. He is a highly nervous individual. He believes that if he is given extended period for recovery, after a year or two, he will be normal again. He does not fail to mention that Dr. Read advises an out-of-town vacation.

3. He does not seem to hesitate in making this unusual request. There is an attitude, or tone, about the letter which suggests he is accustomed to such liberty, and that W. K. Kellogg will not immediately reject such outrageous request. One possible psychology is that he was spoiled by his mother, and perhaps by the Kellogg clan in general.

4. He is thirty years old, and should have grown beyond youthful pampering.

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ADDRESS Always with mother Emma, except as noted.



Clerk, Modern Medical Publishing Co.

Boarding, South Hall, Sanitarium Mother not yet in BC



Clerk, Sanitas  Food Co.

18 Hill St. Mother now at this address.

Claude Eastman, Packer for Sanitas Food Co.


Clerk, Sanitas Nut Food Co.

445 W. Van Buren

Claude E., Clerk, Sanitas Food Co.


Assistant General Manager, Sanitas Nut Food Co.

445 W. Van Buren

Claude E., Clerk, Sanitas Food Co.


Manager, Sales Department, BC Sanitarium Co.

26 Hill St.

Claude E. (Now married)


Same as above.

Same as above.

Claude E. has now moved to 71 Manchester. Ray Stanley first appears as student.


Sec-Tres. Battle Creek Optical Co. Sec. Battle Creek Sanitarium Co.

26 Hill St.

Ray S., Student.


Same as above

88 Ann Ave. Mother still at 26 Hill St.

Ray S., Student, living with mother.


Same as above plus Sales Mgr. Battle Creek Equipment Co.

88 Ann Ave. Mother not listed.

Ray S. not listed.


Same as above plus Sales Mgr. Battle Creek Equipment Co.

88 Ann Ave. Mother not listed.

Ray S. not listed.


Sec. Battle Creek Sanitarium Co.

Chicago, IL. Mother at 102 Ann in Battle Creek.

Ray S. boards with mother.


Wilfred no longer listed in Battle Creek CD.

13 - A Strange Myth ~183~

5. He seems to be a good organizer, apparently a talent that ran in the Kellogg line.

6. His actual job is not reflected in the Battle Creek City Directory. He apparently is responsible for several executive assignments, including insurance for the Sanitas Food Co. and the Battle Creek Sanitarium Co., as well as other executive duties. He speaks to W. K. Kellogg as though this were an acceptable arrangement among the several business firms in Battle Creek. Two years later a shorter letter offers additional insight, with the same psychology.

August 17, ‘08

Mr. W. K. Kellogg

If the matter could be arranged without serious inconvenience, I would very much appreciate a leave of absence during September. I have an invitation from my friend Dr. Prince to spend some time with him, perhaps repeating our Moose Head Lake, Me., trip of some years ago. I haven’t been feeling at my best for some time, and on this account am somewhat anxious to make the trip, feeling sure that it will put me on my feet as it did before.

Affairs in the office are running with reasonable smoothness and I believe could be handled satisfactorily during my absence. The judge advises me that official matters can be taken care of by the election of some other member of the Board as temporary Secretary and Treasurer. French is familiar with the details of stock transfers, etc., and would be able to handle this without assistance.

I would arrange to be back in ample time to look after the October dividends. I shall be grateful for anything you can do for me along the line of this request.


1. Here we see a definite attitude of executive privilege. Wilfred again does not consider it extraordinary to ask for the time off.

2. Again, his difficulties are mental. He has not been feeling at his best for some little time. Again this letter, with the previous one, suggests a habit of pampering.

3. He is definitely in an important position with the corn flakes company. He is a member of the Board, and is handling stock issues, transfers, etc. He would be back in time to handle the October dividend.

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Letters dated February 3, and August 12, 1909 show W. K. Kellogg on the road in El Paso, Texas, enroute from Birmingham, headed for Los Angeles, and in Stevensville, Montana. Wilfred is obviously in charge back home. He reports on plant operations,

Len told me this morning we were going to have a fine run today, and Len worked all night on the new dryer. He reports also on a legal case then in court, promotions with Sweetheart pictures and Funny Jungleland responses, shipping quantities, and bank balances. In February they received orders for three cars and 330 cases L.C.L. Shipments will be seven cars and 225 cases L.C.L., or 3244 cases. They are behind tonight about twenty-three cars. Bank balance tonight, $31,475.63. Sales for February 1st, 3178 cases. Output yesterday 3183 cases. The growth of the cereal business was phenomenal. In August Sales for 11th were 2814 cases, making total sales so far this month 35,516, as against 34,261 same day last month. They were then waiting for orders to arrive from the west Coast and California on a new Jungleland promotion.

But all is not well; discontent is stirring within Wilfred. In a letter dated January 28, 1910 Wilfred expresses his deep regrets that he cannot agree with financial policies then set by W. K. Kellogg, and which vitally affect stock holders. He tenders his resignation.

He would have informed W. K. personally, but the latter was in Havana, Cuba. He also expresses deep gratitude for taking a green, inexperienced boy together with all the favors, both of a personal and business nature.

Here we have an indication of the high moral standards Wilfred set for himself and others. He does not like shady business practices, whatever they may have been. He does not specify.

We have no evidence of the reception W. K. Kellogg gave this news. We do not know if he persuaded Wilfred to continue with the corn flakes company, or if Wilfred departed. The City Directory listings suggest that he continued in Battle Creek executive positions until 1912 when the course of his life changed entirely, although he continued as Secretary of the Battle Creek Sanitarium until 1915.

In a letter dated June 16, 1912 W. K. Kellogg wrote to his older brother Merritt, long involved with SDA operations at the Healdsburg, California sanitarium.

W. C., who married Smith’s daughter Anna, has sold out his properties here in Battle Creek, and is going to Chicago to engage in Sanitarium work with the Sadlers

I think they are now on their way to California, in Chautauqua work with the Sadlers, who have some appointments on the Coast. The following item appeared in the Battle Creek Daily Moon, on Thursday, August 29, 1912, pg 7.

Rev. George C. Tenney, Chaplain of the Sanitarium, officiated at the double wedding of Wilfred Custer Kellogg of Battle Creek and Miss Anna Kellogg, and of Sarah Willmer of La Grange, Ill. and of Edward Van Bond of Dallas, Texas, which took place Wednesday evening at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Sadler of La Grange. Mrs. Sadler

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being a sister of Miss Kellogg who has made her home there for some time as has Miss Willmer, the young ladies being close friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg will return to this city to reside and will be at home at 64 Oaklawn Avenue after Nov. 1. Mr. Kellogg is known extensively in the West End, is secretary of the Battle Creek Sanitarium Co., Ltd., and also secretary-treasurer of the Battle Creek Optical Co.

A similar notice appeared in the Battle Creek Inquirer on the same day. 

Wilfred Custer Kellogg of Battle Creek was one of the principals of a double wedding which was solemnized last evening at La Grange, Indiana (sic), when he was married to Miss Anna Kellogg. Miss Sarah Willmer of La Grange and Edward Van Bond of Dallas, Texas were the other bridal pair. The two young women have been close friends for many years, and have made their home during recent years with Miss Kellogg’s brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. William Samuel Sadler, of La Grange, at whose residence the double wedding was celebrated at 8 o’clock last evening. Miss Kellogg is the daughter of Smith M. Kellogg of Pomona, Cal. Mr. Kellogg and his bride will make their home at 64 Oaklawn avenue after Nov. 1. He is secretary and treasurer of the Battle Creek Optical company and secretary of the Battle Creek Sanitarium Company, Ltd. He is one of the city’s most promising young business men, and everyone will be deeply interested in his marriage with one of Illinois’ fairest daughters.

Those plans did not mature. Wilfred decided to live with the Sadlers and he continued to live with the Sadlers or in adjacent apartments until he died in 1956.

I searched all records in the Cook County Courthouse that pertained to the property at 56 South 6th Avenue in La Grange, for the period that the Sadlers lived there. I learned that William Sadler transferred the property to Wilfred on June 14, 1913. Lena financed the sale; Wilfred signed a trust deed to her. Then, on November 15, Wilfred sold the property to James F. Slapak, where Slapak’s wife Wilhelmina set up a doctor’s office. Refer to the tabulation.

Several questions arise as to the motivations behind these transactions. If Wilfred sold his properties in Battle Creek, why did he need Lena to finance him, except that he did not have sufficient equity to purchase the La Grange property outright, in spite of his positions, which certainly must have paid well. Why did Sadler not finance him, or at least Sadler and Lena? Wilfred does not show in either the 1912 or 1913 La Grange city directories, although Anna does as Mrs. Wilfred C. Kellogg. The Sadler household moved from La Grange in 1913. If the property transactions are indicative, Sadler and Lena must have moved out around June. Did Wilfred and Anna remain until November? Since Anna had lived with her sister from 1904, when the Sadlers entered medical school, it would seem that the sisters had a strong attachment to one another. Anna had become part of the Chautauqua circuit in 1907, and was thus a business component of Sadler’s activities, as well as a family member. Did Sadler try to get Anna and Wilfred away from his household, and on their own?

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Not for long. Wilfred shows up in the Chicago city directory in 1915 as a manager at 32 N. State Street, Sadler’s clinic operation, and at 2146 Lincoln Park West, the next Sadler address. Wilfred continued to be listed as the manager at 32 N. State St. until Sadler moved his operations to 533 Diversey Parkway in 1922, whereupon Wilfred became manager at that address. Wilfred and Anna continued to live with the Sadlers until Lena died in 1939, when they moved to 2756 N. Hampden Court, an apartment building directly to the rear of 533.

A curiosity in my search was the lack of a personal listing for Wilfred in La Grange and, for many years, in the Chicago City Directory. He shows as manager at 32 N. State Street, probably because he was part of the Sadler business activity, but does not show in personal listings, although Anna does. There was a definite avoidance of the City Directory listings by Wilfred.

I inquired of several people who knew Wilfred. What kind of man was he? When I suggested that he might have been the spiritual conduit for The Urantia Papers I invariable met with laughter, not laughter of derision but of amusement.

All considered it ludicrous that he was anything but a good office man. Jim Mills, President of the Urantia Brotherhood for several years, first met Wilfred in 1951, when Jim became a strong believer in The Urantia Papers, and a late-comer to the Forum. In a letter to me dated April 29, 1993 Jim described Wilfred as a small man, perhaps five feet, seven inches in height, slender build, wearing the conventional business suit of the period.

My first impression of him included a certain humility of manner and expression. He was definitely not an extrovert. The expression hard-nosed business man in the terminology of the time was and is, in my opinion, totally inapplicable. He was indeed, a gentleman.

His responsibilities in the early 1950’s included, apparently, the custody and safe-keeping of the press-proof copies of The Urantia Papers. When one wished to read some papers, they phoned 533 and left their request, including time of anticipated arrival and departure. Upon arrival they often would be met by Mr. Kellogg, papers in hand, who always said, “If I can be of any further help, please let me know.”

During the reading process Mr. Kellogg might be observed occasionally passing by the door of the reader’s sanctuary, but he never entered or indulged in frivolous conversation. His movements were very quiet and self-effacing. He seemed to be very conscious of the reader’s concentration, making every effort to see that neither he nor others would break into it.

As I came to know him better I was greatly impressed with his respect for his fellow human beings and his desire to serve them, which, in no way detracted anything from his own sense of self-consciousness. I felt a good man truly applied to him.

. . . In concluding a few notes about Wilfred Kellogg, he was definitely an individual. His devotion to the papers was all-inclusive. He was humble but forceful. He had no patience with the dilettante, especially in reference to the revelation.

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Several attributes of character can be deduced from Wilfred’s personal choices. He did not marry until he was thirty-six years old. Then he married a first cousin, one year his junior. He lived with his mother until age thirty-five, one year before his departure from Battle Creek, certainly not unheard of, but definitely a retiring personality who did not feel a call to strike out on his own. He never had ambitions to make conquests, whether in artistic creative fields, in business, or with the fair sex. Environmental pressures made him uneasy; he needed time off to recuperate. By thirty-seven years of age he did not have sufficient personal funds to buy a home. He went to a sister-in-law and cousin, to help him, not to a bank or financing office. And even that became an aborted effort. His real estate ownership in La Grange did not last more than five months. Perhaps the family tried to get him to be a man, to exert some self initiative. If so, they failed.

He never did exhibit self ambitions, even to the end of his life, more than as an office manager. Sadler may have offered him that position as a personal favor. He lived with the Sadlers until circumstances forced him out of that household when he was sixty-four years old.

Sadler described the Sleeping Subject as a hard-boiled business man, member of the board of trade and stock exchange. Wilfred most definitely was not a hard-boiled businessman. He declined to join his uncle in hard-boiled business decisions. Wilfred was never a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, nor was he a stock broker, although he handled the issue and transfer of stock for his uncle, an executive position, not a stock trade position. Wilfred could not have been the Sleeping Subject on these grounds.

Sadler also described the Sleeping Subject as approaching middle age. In 1908 Wilfred was thirty-two years old. We do not apply the descriptive phrase “middle age” to anyone forty years of age or less. Usually it is reserved for someone fifty or older. In 1908 Wilfred was not even approaching middle age. Therefore Wilfred could not have been the Sleeping Subject on those grounds.

Wilfred was busy in Battle Creek in 1908, the year Sadler first met the Sleeping Subject. He lived with his mother, and was manager of the Sales Department of the Battle Creek Sanitarium Company. He was not then a stock broker, or in any other business activity in Chicago or La Grange, nor did he live in Chicago or La Grange. Wilfred could not have been the Sleeping Subject on those grounds.

For his book Martin Gardner failed to do the research necessary to demonstrate these several items which deny Wilfred as the Sleeping Subject. He based his conclusions mostly on rumor and speculation, a pathetic choice for one with his reputation. Furthermore, Gardner had other information available which showed that Wilfred could not have been the Sleeping Subject.

Gardner has access to the files of Harold Sherman. Those files, although closed to the general public until the year 2,000, were opened to him by Martha Sherman as a personal favor. They contained many letters which Harry J. Loose wrote to Sherman. In those letters Loose gave items of information which should have convinced Gardner that Wilfred was not the Sleeping Subject.

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In a letter dated October 21, 1942 Loose states that, at one time, there were seventeen Contact Commissioners, those who dealt directly with the Sleeping Subject in the early days. They would have included Sadler and his family, together with the Kelloggs, medical and psychology consultants, magicians to test methods by which the Sleeping Subject might have performed the observed feats, or others who might shed light on the strange behavior of the man during the night vigils. In that letter Loose states about the wife of the Sleeping Subject:

. . . the phone was direct from her to Sadler’s home phone and it lay between Christy and the Kelloggs to go through the phone lists of the Contact Commissioners and call them and tell them to hurry to the home of the instrument.

The wife of the Sleeping Subject would be awakened by his strange behavior, whereupon she would call the Sadlers, regardless of the time of night. William Sadler and the Sleeping Subject felt the episodes were so important to understand his affliction they were willing to pay the phone company for a direct tie line to Sadler’s phone.

A group of people numbering more than four or five certainly must have been involved in observation of the Sleeping Subject during these episodes. One can remember the telephone number of four or five people out of one’s head. If Anna and Wilfred Kellogg shared the call responsibility with Christy, Sadler’s adopted daughter and stenographer for the night sessions, the list must have included at least ten or twelve, or perhaps more, people. The knowledge that so many people were willing to arise from their beds in the middle of the night to attend these unusual sessions is highly informative. This was not an ordinary phenomenon.

Furthermore, there was an urgency about getting to the home of the Sleeping Subject. The task of making telephone contact with the many Contact Commissioners was not left to one person. The job was shared to save time. Obviously, Wilfred could not have been the Sleeping Subject if he were calling other people to hurry to the home of the Sleeping Subject. But Gardner chose to suppress this item of information; he did not inform his readers about it.

He censored vital information to avoid exposing his theory. Furthermore, Sadler said the lease of the Sleeping Subject expired that fall, the fall of 1908, and that he moved into an apartment in the same block. Here Sadler clearly distinguishes the physical locations of the Sleeping Subject outside the household locations of the Sadlers. Wilfred, when he came to La Grange in 1912, actually lived with the Sadlers, in their Victorian house, not in an apartment in the same block. Wilfred could not have been the Sleeping Subject on those grounds.

It truly would be ridiculous, and pathetic, for any one to suppose that Wilfred Kellogg had anything whatsoever to do with the delivery of a divine revelation.

13 - A Strange Myth ~189~

56 South 6th Street, La Grange, Illinois

History of Property Transactions Involving William S. Sadler

Cook County Document #



Date of Transaction

Date of Recording

Type of Transaction


Susan A. Beatty James T. Beatty

Frank L. Borwell

Mar 30,1908

Apr 1,1908

Warranty Deed


Susan A. Beatty James T. Beatty

William S. Sadler

Apr 4, 1908

Apr 9,1908



W. S. Sadler

Frank L. Borwell

Mar 1, 1911

Mar 20,1911

Trust Deed (Mortgage)


Susan A. Beatty James T. Beatty

W. S. Sadler

Feb 16, 1911

Apr 3, 1911

Warranty Deed


Frank L. Borwell

W. S. Sadler

Mar 1, 1911

Apr 3, 1911



W. S. Sadler

Wilfred C. Kellogg

Jun 4, 1913

Jun 9, 1913

Warranty Deed


Wilfred C. Kellogg

Lena C. Sadler

Jun 5, 1913

Jun 9, 1913

Trust Deed


Wilfred C. Kellogg

James F. Slapak

Nov 15, 1913

Nov 19,1913

Warranty Deed

Notes taken Dec 1-2, 1993

Research notes and assistance by Harold Wolff, — 12\02\93 Frank L. Borwell lived at 204 S. Spring St. approximately 1/2 mile from 56 6th St. His house was built in 1896 designed by an architect named Howard Shaw. Howard Shaw was the son of Theodore Shaw who lived on Perry Ave in Chicago, location of many of the wealthy of Chicago. Theodore Shaw was an associate of Frank Borwell as a Commission Merchant dealing in groceries. Borwell died in 1914 or 1915.

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Jesus Christ




 Part IV: The Life and Teachings of Jesus: Papers 120-196