Knowledge Without Wisdom by Paul Bond



Ch 10   Post Cold War




Chapter 10

Post Cold War

Gifts make slaves. —Claude Levi-Strauss

By the end of the 1980s, communism/socialism and its enemy capitalism were morally and financially exhausted. As we have discovered, this ideological contest was doomed from the start. The pitiful ending of the Cold War in 1989 marked the headstones of hundreds of millions of human lives, all lost in the name of the cause they had chosen or had fallen victim to — capitalism or communism, whichever system these victims were born into. Either way, they became hapless victims of the two opposing philosophical systems. The political spoils men of both sides of the confrontation had simply sacrificed their fellow citizens to short-sighted and secular humanist philosophies. Both sides — having waged war internationally and nationally — had eroded away the financial and moral fiber of their societies.

In the communist regimes, we discovered that most of the aggressive military posturing was more symbolic and empty than purposeful. The great Marxist philosophy, honed under Lenin and Stalin, had failed miserably long before its eventual capitulation. We all witnessed the sham of perestroika and the moral and financial bankruptcy as the communists had no choice but to seek financial gifts from the West. This sham of failed philosophies had taken a heavy toll on both the East and the West. Hundreds of millions of innocent human lives had fallen victim to the savage and brutal mindset of successive criminal communist regimes.

In the West, the carnage was just as rampant; the sociopaths of the social democracies worldwide had succeeded in producing two generations of socially dependent under-classes. The tax, borrow, and spend years between 1971 and 1989 had taken their toll, and worldwide indebtedness was completely out of control. The fabric of society based on values and the expression of virtues through the nurturing effect of functioning families was torn asunder. Principles, ethics, morals, and values, although not entirely lost to the memory of functioning societies, had been entirely abandoned by the sociopaths of socialism and their dysfunctional supporters.

The great problem with “gifts,” whether they be from the state, family members, or friends, is that they create indebtedness to the gift giver — psychological and emotional slavery. In earlier societies, gifts were used to bridge the gap between different cultures. The gift giver was provided with an advantage over the gift receiver.

The problem is exacerbated when generations of citizens become enslaved to the notion that society owes them a living. This sociopathic mindset is suicidal and not easily remedied. Like a dependency on mind-altering substances, social dependency is habit-forming and difficult to break. By the end of the Cold War, more than one third of the planet’s population of almost six billion human beings were dependent in one form or another on the state — according to statistics compiled by the United Nations. Dependency on the state includes social benefits, unemployment benefits, retirement benefits, and national dependency based on third world countries benefiting from overseas aid from richer first world countries. Such was the success of the Marxist-inspired Manifesto.

During the preceding five decades, from about 1945 to 1989, much progress had been made in the social rights arena. As with all forms of progress, however, a certain amount of wisdom must apply so that those advances are consolidated and not eroded by idiotic zealots. Progress has always been most effective when one generation is able to pass on the wisdom to the next. But when sociopathic zealots experiment with methods of social engineering— such as social dependency, drug addiction, gross materialism, and all manner of state control — the individual citizen is eventually relegated to the "automaton" existence portrayed in Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four."

The social experiments of previous decades have all flopped as a result. Communism is a failure, while social democracy is crumbling as the enormous cost of “big government” needed to administer it is dismantled by those frightened politicians who can use arithmetic. Most other social experiments are likewise bankrupted and failed. When governments are administered by “ideaists” and not “idealists," pandemonium results. Socialists are mainly “ideaists” with utopian goals. Idealists, on the other hand, are in the main grounded in the wisdom of learning from the past and setting the course, based on the best result, for the most  number, for the longest period of time. How can any society hope to advance when the idealists are overrun by narrow-viewed minority groups, hell-bent on achieving their selfish objectives at any cost?

The contest for women's rights is one good example. On the one hand, it resulted in voting and other rights won for women that no truly civilized society should have denied in the first place. On the other hand, it would eventually push its way beyond the envelope of gender balance and cooperation. The following, which both paraphrases and reproduces passages from a reliable source, sheds light on the issue:

Woman is man’s equal partner in race reproduction, hence just as important in the unfolding of human evolution; and for that reason, evolution has increasingly worked toward the realization of women’s rights. But women’s rights are by no means men’s rights. Woman cannot thrive on man’s rights any more than man can prosper on woman’s rights.

Each sex has its own distinctive sphere of existence, together with its own rights within that sphere. If women aspire literally to enjoy all of men's rights, then, sooner or later, pitiless and emotionless competition replaces the special consideration [that women should enjoy], and which they have so recently won from men.

Civilization never can obliterate the behavior gulf between the sexes. From age to age the mores change, but instinct remains the same. Innate maternal affection  [nature's safeguard that impels women to place the welfare of their young first over other drives] will never permit emancipated woman to become man’s serious rival in industry. Forever each sex will remain supreme in its own domain, domains determined by biologic differentiation and by mental dissimilarity. Each sex will always have its own special sphere, albeit they will ever and anon overlap. Only socially will men and women compete on equal terms.

The reproductive urge unfailingly brings men and women together for self-perpetuation but, alone, does not ensure their remaining together in mutual cooperation, the founding of a home. Every successful human institution embraces antagonisms of personal interest which have been adjusted to practical working harmony, and homemaking is no exception. Marriage, the basis of home building, is the highest manifestation of that antagonistic cooperation which so often characterizes the contacts of nature and society. The conflict is inevitable. Mating is inherent; it is natural. But marriage is not biologic; it is sociologic. Passion insures that man and woman will come together, but the weaker parental instinct and the social mores hold them together.

Male and female are, practically regarded, two distinct varieties of the same species living in close and intimate association. Their viewpoints and entire life reactions are essentially different; they are wholly incapable of full and real comprehension of each other. Complete understanding between the sexes is not attainable.

The differences of nature, reaction, viewpoint, and thinking between men and women, far from occasioning concern, should be regarded as highly beneficial to mankind, both individually and collectively. Women seem to have more intuition than men, but they also appear to be somewhat less logical. Woman, however, has always been the moral standard-bearer and the spiritual leader of mankind. The hand that rocks the cradle still fraternizes with destiny. Men and women need each other  ... The differences in viewpoint between male and female persist even beyond the first life.

Although the sexes never can hope fully to understand each other, they are effectively complementary, and though cooperation is often more or less personally antagonistic, it is capable of maintaining and reproducing society. Marriage is an institution designed to compose sex differences, meanwhile effecting the continuation of civilization and insuring the reproduction of the race.

Marriage is the mother of all human institutions, for it leads directly to home founding and home maintenance, which is the structural basis of society. The family is vitally linked to the mechanism of self-maintenance; it is the sole hope of race perpetuation under the mores of civilization, while at the same time it most effectively provides certain highly satisfactory forms of self-gratification. The family is man’s greatest purely human achievement, combining as it does the evolution of the biologic relations of male and female with the social relations of husband and wife.

The patriarchal doctrine of religious belief systems had an unfortunate effect on the social standing of women that culminated in a rebellion during the twentieth century. Through the courage and idealism of many suffragettes, the feminist agenda made monumental strides during the first half of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, because of a handful of misguided and unwise zealots, the movement toward equality went too far, too quickly and too radically. Whenever such hasty progress is made in a societal setting, the male-female balance is destroyed. It is one thing to aspire to equality of the sexes; it is another thing to weaken the bond between them. When the contest is at the expense of common sense, the historical result is always catastrophic.

The resulting feminist movement, while it liberating women from drudgery and enslavement in most societies, threatened to swing the pendulum too far in the balance of equality. Minority pressure by these feminist zealots had enormous power over the unwise minds of lawyers and politicians of this era. When any group begins to attain an unfair or unethical advantage over all others, chaos is the usual result. The norms are encoded in the genes by nature, they are non-negotiable in the natural process of evolution. Just watch as history unfolds, the present pendulum swings just a bit further and most of the excellent advances are lost. Zealots are the enemy of society, as the rebels eventually become worse than the opponents they aspire to overcome. Balance and symmetry are the norm in the ordered universe.

Any so-called civilization that claims to have achieved enlightenment that does not have true equality and fairness between the sexes is deluding itself. Women, who had been oppressed and enslaved for several millennia, made the fatal mistake of seeking dominance over their male counterparts. As the opposite is wrong, so is this notion. There is no logical sense in the pendulum swinging too far either way: the male and female human partnership must be based on equality and fairness, or evolution will come to an abrupt end.

As we see in the animal kingdom, both sexual partners of any species have specific responsibilities and tasks to perform. Whenever one or the other defies those laws of natural survival, chaos is the result. We must therefore impress this fact on both sides of the argument. The patriarchal idiocy enshrined in Judeo-Christian-Muslem religions must be reconciled with universe law if civilization is to progress. Does any reader sincerely believe that Jesus of Nazareth, probably the greatest teacher of human relationships ever to live on our planet, would espouse such religious and social practice? For those who are truly scholarly, there is ample evidence that this teacher of men and women formed a “women’s apostolic corps.” It was unfortunate that Paul and the later Christian scribes refused to acknowledge these facts.

During this century, there have been many studies made by eminently qualified scholars who variously argue the difference between male and female roles and positions in society. What they all fail to recognize is that in any partnership of longevity, there must exist an equality between the sexes. Without this wise practice, one or the other of the partners will eventually become disgruntled and seek dissolution of the partnership. Thus, we witness the continuing increase of the incidence of divorce. The statistics all the way through the twentieth century have showed a continuing and growing propensity for married partners to give up in despair and part company, creating emotional turmoil in the lives of all involved.

Published statistics show that the United States has the highest divorce rate in the world, and in recent decades it has held fairly steady. It is sometimes said that in the United States, for every four marriages, a divorce occurs. Divorce statistics, however, tend to be misleading. In 1992 about 2.4 million marriages took place in the United States and about 1.2 million divorces; thus one divorce occurred for every two marriages. Children are the greatest victims, as their parental trust is shattered.

As this rising divorce rate was recorded, so was dysfunction. There was a move toward self-gratification by both sexes. Global society was being pulled from several different directions at once. It would not take too many years before the fabric tore and the resulting rent would leave a gaping hole. As families became more desperate and fearful, they were happy to hand over responsibility to the state. The state has taken over every facet of daily living. The American middle classes have been financially crippled by debt enslavement and materialism. The rich have become richer, and the poor have become poorer. We must remember, however, that the state is an uncaring conglomeration of self-interest, represented by unwise lawyers and politicians. As we saw in the initial breach of trust in 1947 with the cover-up in Roswell, New Mexico, the state has become treacherous rather than trustworthy.

By the last decade of the twentieth century, modern civilization was at breaking point; every institution of society was malfunctioning and failing the people. Both sides of the political and social confrontation, panicked by the horror of mounting worldwide debt which had now grown to unrecognized levels, sought the middle ground. The Republican response was its Contract With America. The Democrat response was to turn 180 degrees to the right and spout responsible fiscal platitudes.

The American people saw through these transparent political maneuvers, as demonstrated by the apathetically low voter turnouts. Spin doctoring and seven-second sound bytes were all the masses saw or heard, unless they watched C-Span. Social science classes demonstrated that the average American retention span was less than five minutes and that the information was partially lost within twelve hours — and almost completely within twenty-four hours.

While people's attention spans were deteriorating at an alarming rate, Western governments were becoming slaves to debt and to self-serving populist groups. The commercial and industrial monoliths lobbied Washington persistently, framing the policies with election donations day and night. The government of the United States was no longer the government of the people; it had become, instead, the government of the vested interests. This weak-minded response by political leaders was to be expected as the governments of nations worldwide were primarily self-serving and self-interested. They had simply lost sight of who they represented — and succumbed to the easy finances of the transnational corporations.

Globalization was the popular answer as fearful politicians and their supporters lurched toward the idea that bigger is somehow better.

Let us revisit our discussion of what will enable peace to reign supreme on earth. The reader will recall that first we must give up the notion of “national sovereignty,” then form a global government based on democratic representation — one nation, one vote. We must then enact international laws and modes of living that rely on representatives of the national mores — people motivated by principles, ethics, morals and values — to enforce the law. Anything less than that is mere window dressing and doomed to failure and further despair — as the failure of the United Nations demonstrates.

With the advent of populist politics worldwide, so-called democracies and their constituents were called to vote in representative elections based on the class conflict between conservatism and liberalism. This dichotomy between the
two-party political system is basically a fraud. That is to say that both parties exist for the purposes of obtaining power for self-interest.

Of course, this is not the message conveyed to the masses. On the contrary, the message is one of caring and compassion. Yet, in practice we see the opposite, as the poor are trodden on and the middle classes are enslaved to debt whilst the rich prosper. So, now, ask yourself what is the real difference between the opposing parties? The honest answer is nothing. They both conduct their campaigns to obtain power so that their policies will be enacted.

The wealthy and elite of the middle classes versus the underprivileged and oppression of the working classes was the classic conflict Marx conjured in his Communist Manifesto. In the United States, this class conflict is represented by the Republicans and Democrats. During the Cold War, these opposing ideologies, although appealing to the more innocent constituents, represented nothing more than a sham. With the treachery of the 1947 Roswell affair, political self-interest and government for the benefit of the government and its politicians became the norm.

Disenchanted with the ensuing fifty years of muckraking politics, and fully demoralized by the political and organized alignments of power, most citizens simply withdrew. Long-held constitutional values protecting individual's rights from interference by the state were no longer understood as such, and were therefore no longer valued as such. People sensed that good cirizens with good intentions and blaring vocal cords had become irrelevant. Government by the people had been replaced with government by self-interest and vested interest.

The citizens of all Western so-called democracies had become marginalized and irrelevant. The balance of power that emerged in congress was nothing more than a group of self-interested politicians who have simply carved up the cake to suit themselves. The so-called class conflict was merely a cruel facade to cover up the real game of power and greed. Washington, like all national capitals, had become headquarters for the powerful and greedy of society. It governed itself with its own laws whereby government could do anything it wished. Politicians regarded accountability as an ideal merely to be spoken of, not enacted.

Clever, powerful, and greedy politicians have set up the greatest con game in the history of our world. With the benefit of hindsight over the past fifty years, it is easy for the reader to begin to understand the reasons behind the tax, borrow, and spend policy that would eventually bankrupt the world. Not content with exercising their newfound power over citizens, politicians fell prey to the more sinister shadow of global elitism that has hung over the world for centuries. Nurtured and spawned in secret societies that have survived for millennia, this elite shadow of world domination played the power-hungry and greedy into their hands. We will explore this in more detail in later chapters.

The Federal Reserve System, like all other central banks owned and controlled by an elite cabal of wealthy families, has played its part in the bankrupting of the United States of America and all other Western democracies. After the collapse of the Second Bank of the United States in the 1830s, the American economy suffered for lack of an effective means of controlling the money supply. By regulating the money supply, a central bank can raise or lower the cost of borrowing. In good times, the banks could not get enough currency to protect the credit money they created by granting loans. In bad times, the banks had to call loans to amass cash reserves. These problems led Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, approved by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913. It has been amended often.

The Federal Reserve System, nicknamed the Fed, is the central bank of the United States. It has two main functions: to be a “bankers’ bank,” holding deposits of the commercial banks and operating a nationwide check-clearing system; and to serve as the basic controller of credit in the U.S. economy, thus determining the size of the money supply and the ease or difficulty of borrowing. All national banks must belong to the Federal Reserve System, and many state banks belong voluntarily.

Economists, when faced with explaining the Fed’s role in bankrupting this country and others, offer various academically inspired rationales. Depending on their political orientation, they either justify debt as being a part of the economic structure or decry it as an act of treason. Irrespective of these views, the political game of power and greed continues. Such is the arrogance of the modern political mindset. A classic example of this idiotic rhetoric was the call for the U.S. government to “balance the budget by 2002.” Any student of basic economics capable of understanding a mathematical equation would immediately see that although this goal seems to embrace fiscal responsibility, it does nothing to address the larger problem of the reduction of debt and the blood-sucking effect of compounding interest. This hockey stick effect simply will not go away.


In 1994, Harold Figge and Gerald Swanson, both advisors to the Reagan administration, wrote their highly controversial book Bankruptcy 1995. In this book, they clearly demonstrate from the Government Accounting Office’s own documents that the level of national debt will escalate exponentially in a hockey stick effect over the next decade. The U.S. economy, bankrupted to the Federal Reserve System, will eventually expire and unsuspecting citizens will awake one morning to find that the “party is over.” Although hugely popular, this book was basically ignored by the American citizens. Although the book was on the New York best-seller list for months in 1994, Americans quickly dismissed it as not palatable.

So why was it that all of a sudden the big spending deficit days of previous congresses suddenly came to a screeching halt? The GOP immediately launched Contract With America and the DEC did an about-face toward a balanced budget by 2002.

Clearly the book had some effect, except that the dire predictions of Bankruptcy 1995 were averted by dexterous politicians whose survival instincts won out. Tax, borrow and spend was replaced by tax and spend with the election and re-election of Bill Clinton to the White House. The clever maneuvers of both sides were only window dressing, however. The horrible truth that alludes Americans is that nothing, absolutely nothing is being done to reduce the National Debt of in excess of five trillion dollars and rising by one billion dollars a day. Everyone conveniently forgot about the interest to the Fed.

The oppressive idea that indeed the “party was over” did not sit well with the innocent minds of American citizens. The long years of indoctrination and brain washing had paid off; the government had finally achieved its objective of disenfranchising the electorate, who gave up without a whimper.

With the harsh reality of bankruptcy staring them in the face, both Democrats and Republicans panicked and reorganized themselves toward the middle ground of the ideological struggle. The Republicans used the excuse that they had been unable to stem the tax, borrow, and spend treachery of a Democrat-controlled Congress over the past forty years. The Democrats simply changed course toward the middle ground and watched as their long-cherished control over Congress slipped from their grasp.

Readers may ask, “What does this have to do with anything?” The wise answer is that “even though current citizens have forgotten their rights and the fact that government is formed exclusively for their benefit, the ideal must be retrieved from the treachery and malice of the past!” The tax, borrow, and spend “party on” policy displayed by all Western democracies over the past four decades is essentially over. The problem is that the powerful and greedy politicians of both sides of the class conflict, drunk with their own delusions, have failed to grasp this.

To change the paradigm, it will take a mighty influence of global proportions to gain the attention and cooperation of all who participate. In the meantime, through compounding interest, the world debt continues to escalate. The creditors simply wait patiently for the inevitable crash Figge and Swanson so courageously predicted. Meanwhile to keep the game in play, new credit is created every day using bits of worthless paper as collateral.

It is interesting to note that after their book became a best seller, Harold Figge was silenced by a vicious IRS audit and Gerald Swanson retreated to his academic duties. This propensity for self-serving and unaccountable government to punish dissidents is not something new in history. Every totalitarian state over the millennia has used either physical or emotional violence to silence dissident critics. Eventually the truth has a way of breaking through the tyranny, and when it does the bloody aftermath is not a pretty sight. We will investigate these evolving scenarios in future chapters.

With the benefit of hindsight, why were the predictions of Bankruptcy 1995 not fulfilled? Why did the United States not delare bankruptcy in 1995? Because the shrewd politicians on both sides got together in the winter of 1995 and did some horse-trading to prolong the game. You will recall the GOP shut down the government twice. Why? If Figge and Swanson had been correct, the world as we view it today would have disappeared under a mountain of debt. If the reader does the arithmetic, five-odd trillion dollars is one huge mountain of debt, especially when it is owed to a foreign private corporation, the FED.

To understand the complexities of the emerging global economy, the reader has first to accept that the whole concept of a global economy from 1971 onwards depends entirely on faith —  that is to say, faith in currencies, namely paper. With the abandonment of the Gold Standard by the G7 Nations in 1971, the world switched from gold-backed currencies to paper-backed currencies — in other words, “paper gold.” This transition was largely ignored by the world’s media and the citizens. It gave rise to a new level of hideous tax, borrow, and spend that eventually came to a shuddering halt with the end of the Cold War in 1989. The continuing faith in the world’s currencies is the only reason that Figge and Swanson’s predications failed in 1995. The taxpayers are left with mounting debt and oppressive taxation regimes. The rich are richer, the poor are poorer.

Of course, a good dose of spin-doctoring by both the Republicans and the Democrats helped. The facade of the balanced budget by 2002 created an air of confidence that at last the government was acting responsibly. In the meantime, the insidious compounding effect of interest on interest ticks viciously along. The American people, along with all others in similarly bankrupted economies, sit idly by as the politicians present a new range of lies and deceit that postpone the inevitable for a few more years. The question all concerned citizens should be asking is, “What about the debt and interest on the debt?” Bankruptcy is bankruptcy — no amount of deceit or denial will change it.

The “baby boomers,” estimated at 76 million immediately after the war, created a population bulge in the U.S. and all economies that the corrupt systems of government are still struggling with. All of the well-meaning, however idiotic, socialist programs of the past decades would come back to haunt the latter twentieth-century governments. Every social institution that had been stupidly put in place by sociopaths during this period would not only be bankrupted morally but also financially. Not one of the secular humanist politicians who voted these ridiculous programs into law could have foreseen the eventual result. Their foresight was based on knowledge without wisdom — they were motivated by ideas instead of ideals.

This error was repeated time and again in every so-called democracy of the free world. To exacerbate the mounting debt and its consequences, the aging population swelled. Medical science over the past century significantly raised life expectancy  — we simply live longer and, therefore, the burden of retirement benefits and medical care are greater. The five-trillion-dollar national debt owed primarily to the Federal Reserve System was impacting cruelly on every citizen. The savings accrued through the compulsory Social Security System of the Reagan and Bush administrations had been pledged against IOUs utilized to finance the tax, borrow, and spend policy of the past decades. Government statistics suggest that seventy million retirees will be seeking their retirement benefits over the next ten years. Where will the money come from? The IOUs are there, just ask your congressperson.

Generation X

The generation that immediately followed the baby boomers has become known as generation X — the "lost" generation. This description simply does not do this generation justice. We in the latter part of the twentieth century owe much to generation Xers. Imbued with a rebellious spirit in response to the breach of trust of previous generations, these young people, now in their twenties and thirties, set about to confront every accepted norm during the latter part of the twentieth century, particularly from the sixties onwards. The problem with any rebellious generation of youth is knowing where and when to stop. The virtues of civilization, founded on millennia of social struggle, were particularly vulnerable to the onslaught of this generation X rebellion. Social virtues such as principles, ethics, morals and values are worth preserving, for without them, society and civilization as a whole is doomed. These spirit-born rebels would be better served by turning their youthful exuberance toward a confrontation against malfeasance and corruption in government. For it is there that the target of their well-meaning frustration really lies.

Generation X is the future. Most people who are now in their twenties and thirties are computer literate. With just a little un-brainwashing,  they should be able to think for themselves. They are not led by blind faith. They question authority on everything. Consequently, those in authority are afraid. According the their social engineering models, Xers should be automatons. Instead they morphed into highly creative, spiritually motivated human beings. Although the education system was designed to teach the facts and figures, Xers came through this brainwashing and reinvented themselves by rebelling against the corrupt system and evolving into problem solvers against all the odds.

As we journey through the first decade of the twenty-first century, a panorama of malfeasance and corruption will emerge — but alongside it is the unlooked-for harvest of the seeds for our eventual destruction. Lurking in the pages of our history, apart from social dysfunction, is another problem of destructive proportions. We will uncover this hidden virus in later chapters as we attempt to find the solutions to modern civilization’s dilemma. Here, we will take stock of where the world found itself after the Cold War era.


The population has tripled to six billion inhabitants. Some computer-generated models suggest this will double to twelve billion by the year 2020. Most accepted population models suggest a safe carrying capacity based on a “land-man ratio” of 2.5 billion. Many so-called social engineers offer weak and indolent arguments that science will solve this suicidal problem without really thinking through the ramifications. Sure, as we have seen, science together with agricultural industry is capable of manipulating hybrid seed stock to grow essential food resources. But these apologists conveniently forget to inform the world that in utilizing hybrid seed, we are placing ourselves in dire straits if for some reason sudden pressure were placed on our agricultural industries. Put simply, hybrid seed does not produce further seed stock. The consequences are self-evident and never discussed in the public forum.

Nuclear Degradation

Environmental degradation brought about by weak-minded and greedy participants in the Industrial Military Complex of both East and West, injecting the atmosphere with polluting nuclear- and carbon-based fallout, has done its death-dealing job. An inventory of all nuclear reactors throughout the world will reveal that the vast majority are in a state of disrepair and poor maintenance. It has further been revealed that two well-known nuclear accidents are but the tip of a death-dealing iceberg. Both have cast doubt on nuclear power as a viable energy alternative.

We are first, of course, referring to the most serious U.S. commercial reactor failure that occurred on March 28, 1979, at the Three Mile Island reactor near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It was caused by a combination of equipment malfunctions and human error. The health effects of the accident proved to be virtually undetectable against the normal incidence of background radiation. Although the direct health effects from the resulting release of radioactivity into the environment are still being investigated, the psychological effects of the event, which was given wide coverage by the news media, contributed to the concerns about reactor safety.

The construction in the United States of new nuclear power plants has thankfully slowed dramatically in the wake of the events at Three Mile Island.

The second accident occurred at Chernobyl Unit 4 in the USSR on April 26, 1986, as catastrophic nuclear reactor meltdown and explosions shook the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 80 miles (130 kilometers) north of Kiev. A fire burned out of control and released radioactive materials that spread over vast sections of Europe. This disaster has caused widespread illnesses and death in the local population and rendered the land in the area unusable. A radioactive cloud spread from the plant over most of Europe, contaminating crops and livestock.

It has been the most serious of all nuclear accidents to date. The reactor involved was a water-cooled, graphite moderated system, known as an RBMK, which is used simultaneously for power and plutonium production. The fuel is contained in fuel rods emplaced in pipes through which the coolant flows. As water in the coolant pipe begins to boil, the effect on the fission rate is positive rather than negative (in contrast to the LWR). The conditions are created in which a self-reinforcing nuclear runaway can begin. This characteristic of the RBMK was known to nuclear analysts in the USSR as well as the West. (The design is not licensable in the Western nations.) The USSR accepted the risks because it did not have the technology to build large pressure vessels until the 1960s.

Some uncertainty remains as to the sequence of events that led to the reactor catching on fire. The generally accepted scenario is that molten fuel came in contact with coolant water and reacted to generate huge volumes of steam that ruptured the piping. Subsequently, a second explosion occurred due to a chemical reaction of the incoming water and the hot metals and graphite in the core. This combination of events broke the barriers containing the fission products and allowed them to escape into the environment.

Another issue of concern is the question of where to put nuclear waste. This waste is largely the spent fuel of reactors. It is radioactive, and some of its components remain so almost indefinitely. The waste is currently being held at temporary sites until a permanent solution to the problem can be found. In the 1980s, it was reported that radioactive wastes from these sites had begun to leak into the environment. At present, the most promising solution to the problem of waste storage involves forming waste material into a glassy substance in a process termed vitrification.

The greatest threat would soon be discovered in the former USSR, whose states had broken up and simply ignored, through lack of finance, the continuing maintenance required to ensure safety. A declassified report conducted by the U.S. Military eventually disclosed that the majority of former USSR nuclear reactors were so poorly maintained that the cost of repair was prohibitive. The nuclear discharge of death-dealing waste was simply being allowed to permeate the ecosystem of the northern hemisphere. The reader does not require a doctorate in nuclear physics to realize that contamination of our atmosphere through the leakage of nuclear waste into the oceans with precipitation playing its part by depositing this nuclear contamination into the biosphere creates holes in the ozone layer. The vicious cycle of the ozone layer and resulting global warming then create the circumstances for el niño effects. Any rational-minded reader, providing denial is absent, would comprehend the folly of such gross abuse of the environment and our home.

The global financial market, fueled by greed and power-lust, has culminated in a debt-ridden civilization that has become dependent on social benefits or bank debt in order to survive. The soul-destroying result of such dependency will result in an imminent collapse worldwide. Paper gold and the resulting expansion of faith-sustaining debt is a cruel and worthless pursuit. The currency crisis worldwide is a clear indication of this folly and the impending monetary collapse. When stock markets are fueled by unwise and innocent speculators, there is only one way for it to go — and that is down. The prophesied collapse of the global stock markets is not a matter of if, but when. A repeat of past worldwide depressions is now becoming a reality. Whenever the economies of the world have been plunged into depression, it has been as a result of long periods of inflation.

The "War on Drugs"

The farce that world governments describe as the “war on drugs” is a contradiction in terms. If this so-called war were ever waged in a serious and determined manner, the scourge of drug dependency would be eradicated in a matter of months. The drug czars of the world’s drug-trafficking cartels are aided and abetted by the corrupt malfeasance of political manipulators in every nation in the world. Without this corruption, the drug trade would simply not exist. Criminality in politics and government is now a way of life, as the centralist dictators of government policy simply sell out to the death-dealing cartels. The financial structure of drug importation and distribution worldwide is now eclipsing most national economies.

The so-called war on drugs has become the biggest excuse since the Russians. Whereas client states previously complained “we need it to stop the Russians” when the government wasn’t sending enough money, they now say “we need it to stop drug trafficking.” And like the threats of the Cold War, the new enemy — drugs — gives the U.S. military a good excuse for its international presence whenever there is rebel activity or some other kind of unrest. Domestically, however, the war on drugs has little to do with drugs; rather, it provides the population with a distraction.

This is not an argument in favor of substance abuse; indeed, it is a serious problem. But what about tobacco and alcohol? These drugs were not targeted in the war on drugs. Yet, when the so-called war was launched during the George Bush administration, tobacco-caused deaths were running at three hundred thousand each year; from alcohol, the toll was at least one hundred thousand. Illegal drugs, which had caused just over thirty-five hundred deaths a year, were instead made the target. In fact, their use had been declining for years; the Bush administration could almost guarantee “its” success in decreasing drug use.

In September 1989, just as the drug war was being established amidst much hubbub, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) panel held a hearing in Washington in response to Thailand’s efforts to restrict U.S. tobacco imports and advertising. The tobacco industry wanted to retaliate by imposing sanctions. The U.S. Surgeon General, Everett Koop, testified at the USTR panel that “when we are pleading with foreign governments to stop the flow of cocaine, it is the height of hypocrisy for the United States to export tobacco.” He added, “years from now, our nation will look back on this application of free trade policy and find it scandalous.”

Thai witnesses also protested, predicting that the consequence of U.S. sanctions would be to reverse a decline in smoking achieved by their government’s campaign against tobacco use. Responding to the U.S. tobacco companies’ claim that their product is the best in the world, a Thai witness said: “Certainly in the Golden Triangle we have some of the best products, but we never ask the principle of free trade to govern such products. In fact we suppressed [them].” Critics recalled the Opium War 150 years earlier, when the British government compelled China to open its doors to opium from British India, sanctimoniously pleading the virtues of free trade as they forcefully imposed large-scale drug addiction on China.

Surely this story about the U.S. government basically peddling drugs would make headlines. It is almost unbelievable, but the story was barely reported.

In fact, the government of the United States has taken an active role in stimulating drug trafficking — illegal drug trafficking — since World War II. This in part is due to the government’s task of undermining anti-fascist resistance and the importance of the labor movement. When it was realized what kind of heavy-hitting aid would be needed, there was one obvious supplier: the Mafia. They, in turn, wanted some kind of reward for their efforts. And that’s just what they got. They were authorized to reestablish the heroin racket that had been suppressed by the fascist governments — the infamous French connection that dominated the drug trade until the 1960s.

By this time, the center of the drug trade had moved to Indochina, Laos, and Thailand in particular. This shift was a spin-off of a Central Intelligence Agency operation. Later, as the CIA relocated its activities to Pakistan and Afghanistan, the drug racket prospered there. The surreptitious war against Nicaragua also provided a shot in the arm to drug traffickers in the region, as illegal CIA arms flights to the U.S. mercenary forces offered an easy way to get drugs back to the United States, sometimes through U.S. Air Force bases. This has been reported by traffickers.

The UFO/ET Cover-up

The UFO/ET "threat" — as revealed in Colonel Philip C. Corso’s The Day After Roswell— is based on military-minded reaction and initial cover-up perpetrated by successive administrations and government agencies without the consent of the people — the citizens. This breach of public trust, motivated by greed and power, justified under the guise of national security as well as religious and ethical grounds, is unforgivable. Popular films released to sway public opinion during this post-Cold War period begin to make sense — we soon come to the terrifying realization that an unmandated Industrial Military Complex has been waging war against an unknown and unidentified extraterrestrial enemy.

Social Engineering

During the period preceding the end of the Cold War and under the general aegis of social democracy, a curious mode of analysis emerged that would become identified and dubbed by the popular media as  “political correctness.” No one really understood the meaning of this term, except that it became advisable to be described as such. It was the reductionist technique of the minority groups at work. Anything that was socially unacceptable to narrow-minded agendas fell under the umbrella of being “politically incorrect.” The political parties of most so-called democracies would fall prey to this narrow mindset and began to pander to any group who represented a block vote. In this way, social degradation was escalated to a new and more dangerous level as the mores of society became even more marginalized and irrelevant in the eyes of government. This devolving power shift was not only dangerous, but threatened civilization at its very heart — the family and the vital role it plays as the glue of society.

So there we have the main elements of urgent concerns for the populations of all nations at the end of the Cold War era. Not a pretty sight and still creating the circumstances for social suicide. Chaos was the inevitable next phase, as we shall see.


Ani Rainbow Bullet LeftAni Rainbow Bullet Right



Said the Master

 Jesus Christ





 Part IV: The Life and Teachings of Jesus: Papers 120-196