The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand


Chapter 24 Time Line Summary



Time Line Summary


200,000 B.C. Lucifer Rebellion (Described in UB) Rebellion against God begins Normal planetary progress ends. Planet isolated from normal course of affairs. Sin and iniquity introduced. Normalcy ends. "Upside down world" begins.

37,000 B.C. Default of Adam and Eve (Described in UB) Partial failure of biologic-genetic uplift. (UB) Loss of any material representative (Adam) of the divine realm and its associated governance and leadership. The beginning of the Sovereignty of Man due to absence of direct divine leadership on earth.. Michael (Christ) chooses our planet for his future bestowal mission  to incarnate as a "babe of the realm" in the human life of Joshua ben Joseph (Jesus of Nazareth), the Son of Man.

2,000 B.C. Melchizedek initiates comprehensive plan for the rehabilitation of our planet in preparation for Jesus’ arrival. Melchizedek, like Jesus, is also a Son of God except that he is lower down in hierarchy. This is the opposite of what Paul implied when
he said that Jesus was "forever after the order of Melchizedek."
Rather is it Melchizedek that is after the order of Jesus. (Described in UB) Melchizedek incarnates as an adult "man of the realm" for 94 years on our world. (Described in UB) Melchizedek is the "messenger of the (God’s) covenant" to Abraham (Described in UB & Malachi). Abraham agrees to believe God and follow His commandments
(instructions). God agrees to do everything else. Melchizedek relays God’s promises to Abraham. They are:

 *1. descendents as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sands of the sea. (Fulfilled in modern times by Christians and Jews) (Islamic peoples are also descendents of Abraham (through his maid Bilhah.)

* 2. the Land of Canaan for Abraham’s descendents to dwell on. (Fulfilled when Israelites leave Egypt and journey to inhabit the Promised Land,

1450 to 1500 B.C Bible. The people and leaders of Israel break their covenant with God and lose their homeland, temporarily, for 2000 years Bible. God restores them, as prophesied, to Canaan beginning in 1948 and continues to do so. Ultimately the remnants of the Lost Ten Tribes (Christians) and Judah (the Jews) will be reunited in a new Israel and will then restored fully to the Promised Land, as prophesied and promised (Bible).

Melchizedek finishes his ministry to our world in physical form after 94 years and re-enters in semi-material form to continue his ministry through sporadic contact with the Patriarchs, Moses and the Prophets. This semi-material Melchizedek is the Lord of the Old Testament who leads Moses, guides the Patriarchs and ‘collaborates’ with the Prophets. He reveals the coming of Jesus and the "Messianic Plan" for the latter days of the age, through the Prophets. (1900 B.C.)

Melchizedek also promises (through Jacob’s final blessings on his elect
son Joseph) the following:

*3. Great fruitfulness and bounty (of natural resources, agriculture, and offspring) on Joseph’s children; Ephraim the elect, and Manasseh the number two son. Ephraim  and Manasseh pass their blessings on to their offspring who default on the covenant with God, leave Northern Israel, becoming the Lost Ten Tribes who are eventually re-identified
as Christians in the last days of the age. Ephraim is mainly America of the last days period.

*4. Military superiority over its enemies’ gates (Genesis)
(fulfilled in America’s (Ephraim’s) military pre-eminence
in the modern age.)

Most of the Psalms are inspired by Melchizedek’s legacy among the
Melchizedek missionaires and their offspring in the Levant. The Psalms
contain many elements of Melchizedek’s "complete plan."

1500 B.C. Melchizedek, as "the Lord," leads Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Commandments and "the Law" (Torah) given through Moses by Melchizedek.

1000 B.C. Tribal governance by "the judges" of Israel gradually coalesce and form a brief "United Monarchy" (David, Solomon) before splitting into Northern Israel and Southern Israel (Judah). Then there is:

*1. Progressive falling away of "God’s people" from the covenant
with God. Falling away begins during journey of proto-Israelites
from Egypt to Canaan (40 year journey) under Moses. Leaders
become progressively "misleaders" over time, leading 'the people'
into catastrophe. Melchizedek, in semi-material form, collaborates with a long line of  God’s servants, the Old Testament prophets (described in UB), including both Enoch and the Teacher of Righteousness of the Dead Sea Scroll community. Many Old Testament prophecies are about the Messianic, end of the age period and remain unfulfilled. Many other prophecies have already been fulfilled as indicated by the asterisks.

970 B.C. 1. Solomon builds 1st Temple

*2. Kingdom divides North and South, Israel and Judah.

*3. Progressive corruption of leadership. "The people" follow along.

721 B.C.

 *1. Northern Kingdom falls to Assyrians.

*2. Dispersion of the Northern Kingdom of Israel to become  the Lost Ten Tribes (Ephraim, Manasseh and eight other
northern tribes)

587 B.C.

*1. Southern Kingdom (Judah) falls to Babylonians.
*2. Exile of Judah to Babylon for 70 years.
*3. Destruction of Jerusalem and 1st Temple by Babylonians.
*4. New Covenant, "written in the heart" of man by God,
prophesied by Ezekiel. Fulfilled by the pouring out of the
Spirit of Truth by Jesus
539 B.C.

*1. Babylonian empire conquered by Persians.
*2. King Cyrus of Persia allows all the Jewish captives to
return to Israel and rebuild Temple. Some Jews remain
in Babylon as their choice.

332 B.C.

*1. Alexander the Great conquers the whole East. (Large single horn of second beast/kingdom in Daniel).

323 B.C.

*1. Alexander dies young.
*2. Empire divided up into four kingdoms (four horns - N,S,E,W
of the third beast in Daniel). The North (Syria) battles with the South (Egypt) for empire with Israel in the middle.

198 B.C.

*1. The North grows stronger (little horn of third beast in Daniel grows larger) culminating in the temporary dominance of Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) over Egypt, Israel, and Jerusalem. (Old Testament Antichrist)

176 B.C.

*2. 2nd Temple desecrated by Antiochus IV. (Hanukkah
celebrates its restoration.)

? 190 B.C.

1. Qumran community founded by Teacher of Righteousness.
2. Inspired interpretation of Old Testament prophecy by
Teacher of Righteousness. They live in self-exile from the
corruption of their day.
3. Dead Sea Scrolls/Qumran documents buried in caves, lost to the world from around 70 A.D. to 1946 when Scrolls are discovered.

30 A.D.

*1. Jesus lives, teaches and is crucified.

*2. Jesus exemplifies by his life his message and teaching to mankind – the Kingdom of heaven within: the New Covenant, God’s will transcendent in the heart of man, the partnership of man and God founded upon the fact of God’s indwelling spirit within man. The true Spiritual Rock of all ages.

3. The Church of Philadelphia remains true to the message of Jesus after His death but becomes gradually submerged over time. It is prophesied in Revelation to reappear at the end of the age as a small congregation with little worldly power, dedicated to the true message of Jesus - the kingdom of heaven, and are referred to as the congregation of those who elect God’s will or simply as the elect; by God's attribution through His Prophets.

4. The New Testament is written.

5. Paul starts a new religion, Christianity, about Jesus Christ and his
sacrificial death for the sins of mankind. This is different from what
Jesus taught, ie: the Kingdom of Heaven.

70 A.D.

*1. Jerusalem and Temple destroyed. Roman war 70 A.D.
*2. "Age of the Jews" temporarily put on hold for 2000 years while
*3. the "Age of the Gentiles (Christians)" has its turn, also for 2000 years.
*4. Jews/Judah dispersed to many countries where they are marginalized and persecuted for the next 2000 years which is a direct result of breaking their covenant with God, as a people and as a nation.

100 A.D. Jesus, not Melchizedek, collaborates with John to produce the Revelation to John. Next, there is a long gap during the age of the Gentiles.

1850 A.D. Beginning work on the identity of "Lost Israel"

1865 A.D. Emily Dickinson writes about the kingdom of heaven within, nuclear bombs and shifting of the poles. Next, a cluster of very important events occur around 1950.

1945 A.D.

*1. 1st nuclear bombs used. WWII ends.

1947 A.D. 1. Dead Sea Scrolls discovered. Not fully published until 1991.

1948 A.D.

*1. Nation of Israel (Judah) re-established.
*2. Jews gathered from "many countries" - the Prophets confirmed again.

1955 A.D.

*1. Urantia Book published. Reveals and expands spiritual truths. Explains and emphasizes the message of Jesus; the gospel of the kingdom of heaven within, which is the will of God (the Father) transcendent in the heart of man  (daughter or son).
*2. The Urantia Book prepares and teaches a small, powerless congregation of believers (The Church of Philadelphia reborn at the end of the age) who are true to the message of Jesus, the Kingdom of Heaven within and who will elect to do God’s will during the trial period at the end of the age ending triumph of good over evil.
*3. The transcendency of American power, bounty, and fruitfullness.
America is modern day Ephraim of Lost Israel, in receipt of the elect blessings given by God through Melchizedek, to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, to Joseph, to Ephraim, to the Lost Ten Tribes, to Northern and Western Europe, and finally to America,  Ephraim again.

2000 A.D. Many Old Testament prophecies about the end of the age remain unfulfilled or only partially fulfilled. Judging from the past accuracy of prophecy, the partially fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecies will be completely fulfilled at some future time. These unfulfilled, messianic prophecies are consistent and mutually reinforcing across and within the many prophetic sources of the Old Testament era. These prophecies tell a story I will call the Messianic Scenario. This Scenario involves people from all over the world, but centers around the Land of Canaan once again. The time frame is all of human history which culminates and climaxes at the "end of the age," beginning in 1948 and unfolding now. The roles in this story are: the principalities of good and evil, the Messiah/Lord/Melchizedek, the righteous, those who elect God’s will, the people, the misleaders, the Jews, the Christians/Lost Israel, the leaders and nations of the world, the final prophet, and God. Recent events indicate that the time of fulfillment of the Messianic Scenario is upon us now.

These recent, prophesied events involve the re-gathering of Israel, nation rising against nation, the emergence of the Dead Sea Scrolls information, the publication of the Urantia Book (special books are prophesied by 1Enoch), the emergence of potentially planet destroying nuclear weapons and a new global political situation where, under the UN, "all the nations" could conceivably come against Israel, for the first time, and as prophesied 2500 years ago. In further detail, the Messianic Scenario found in prophetic scripture contains the following elements among others:

The appearance of a final prophet. Referred to variously as Elijah
to come, another and greater John the Baptist, God’s servant, and
the interpreter of the law among others. The final prophet "teaches
the true way" of the Kingdom of heaven within, " helps bring back
Jacob," who are the re-identified "lost" ten tribes, and "interprets the
law" of the Prophets through understanding bestowed by God.

Through this interpretation of scripture the final prophet tells "all that
will happen to the elect (those who elect God’s will)." He also announces: "Your divine being (the Messiah) reigns" to the long-suffering but faithful Jews still awaiting their Lord and Messiah who is revealed to be Melchizedek in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Congregation of the elect, those who elect God’s will in a time of
adversity, danger, and persecution. They are also referred to as the
Church of Philadelphia in Revelation. They are "made wise by special books given to them" (1Enoch) and are true to the real message of Jesus – the Kingdom of heaven within. They are assisted by God and Melchizedek throughout the trial period. They are also called the party of Melchizedek in the Dead Sea Scrolls. When they 'stand up' war comes to an end by virtue of Melchizedek's entrance. They inherit the earth and the power elite is deposed. They are reunited with the remnant of Judah reconstituting the New Israel. They are from ‘among the Gentiles’, mostly Christians likely.

The drought at the end of the age (already begun) that centers on the Middle East but involves many other areas of the world. It is referred to many times in scripture regarding the last days and symbolizes God’s displeasure with mankind. It continues until Melchizedek arrives and water flows from under the Temple Mount and from the sky as long awaited rain. The rain symbolizing the restoration that already has begun and the arrival of God’s reign|rain of mercy on a weary and strife-ridden world.

The people stray away from God and follow their leaders into calamity as previously. The congregation of the elect and the congregation of the righteous must turn away from the majority’s popular opinions and actions in order to follow God’s will rather than man’s. The people are blind, deaf, and dumb to God’s truth and fall away from God because they do not love or thirst for truth as do the elect and righteous.

Leaders are mis-leaders and lead the nations into chaos and disaster.
They are deposed and replaced when Melchizedek arrives. Many
are destroyed by one another.

The congregation of the righteous are those who know God and who  stand up against sin and iniquity. They are said to 'inhabit', rather than
inherit the earth. They are mostly Christians, Jews and any others from all over the world who know and love the One God.

The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel are re-identified and their remnant is brought back to Canaan to be reunited with the remnant of the Jews (Judah) who are already being re-gathered now. Lost Israel is Christendom, loosely speaking. Jews, Christians and many others are united in Canaan under the worship of the one true God of Melchizedek, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and Jesus. All the world joins
them quickly, "from one Sabbath to the next" (Isaiah) as a result of
Melchizedek’s arrival and teaching. The remnant of the Lost Ten Tribes contain the elect and righteous congregations
Ephraim represents the Lost Ten Tribes that are situated in America.
Like ancient Israel, Ephraim has been the most blessed by food, wealth, land, natural resources, agriculture and military might. The leaders of Ephraim (called the wicked of Ephraim in the Dead Sea Scrolls), now as before, become estranged from truth and justice and lead their people into disaster. Once again the most blessed become the most corrupt.

Melchizedek/Messiah arrives in a very visible display and quickly
puts down the war of the nations against Israel. War is put to an
end forever. The world’s leadership is replaced and peace reigns

A large tectonic event occurs during the entry of Melchizedek causing the armies of the world's nations who are attacking modern Israel to fall and causing water to flow from under the Temple mount.

The nations are judged as are all people and principalities. Some nations are wiped out by war.

The sovereignty of Man is ended. Melchizedek is made Planetay
Sovereign. He is the world/Messiah of Old Testament Prophecy, long
awaited by many Jewish people. He is a Son of God after the order of
Jesus Christ (lower in hierarchy). The Lucifer rebellion against God is officially ended. The ‘upside down world’ becomes right side up. Iniquity is gone forever.

Melchizedek’s plan for comprehensive rehabilitation is complete.

Many material and spiritual blessings are poured out upon mankind,
more than restoring them to what should have been had the rebellion
against God never occured.

Humankind is brought out of the darkness of isolation and rebellion
and into the bright light of true reality. "Behold, all things are becoming new." (Jesus) "Even the stars of sky do battle for you" as you progress through space and time, in understanding, and within spirit. The brotherhood of man, by reason of the universal Fatherhood
of God, begins.

Man's way is becoming God's way.

The Kingdom of heaven becomes universalized.

  The New Covenant blossoms out from within the Old Covenant
which is taken up into the New. The Old is within the New. Completion, harmony, and balance is becoming realized.

? 2010 An age of spiritual striving and progress begins. Mankind is
welcomed into the cosmic brotherhood of inhabited worlds as well as the unseen brotherhood of spiritual realities, the Kingdom of Heaven. The true nature of reality is unveiled and revealed: in truth and with joy.

Two thousand years ago John the Baptist proclaimed: "Prepare
the way of the Lord, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Today
the proclamation is the same, except that this time the Lord is



Said the Master

 Jesus Christ





Quote from "The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand" by Ed at