The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand


Chapter 11 - Jeremiah 620 B.C.




(620 B.C.)



     Jeremiah is the one prophet who tells us something about himself and what it was like to be a prophet of God. When Jerusalem went into exile in Babylon. Jeremiah tells us:


Jer 1:4              The Word of the Lord came to me:
                        "Before I created you in the womb, I selected you;
                         Before you were born, I consecrated you;
                         I appointed you prophet concerning the Nations."


      Overwhelmed by this, poor Jeremiah says the same thing that Moses said. He replies in a sheepish voice:


Jer 1:6              Ah…..Lord God?
                        I don’t know how to speak,
                        For I am still a boy.


And the Lord’s booming voice then comes back:


                        "Do not say, ‘I am still a boy.’
                        But go wherever I send you
                        And speak whatever I command you.


I’m sure that Jeremiah feels little relief until:


                         Have no fear of them
                         For I am to deliver you
                                                Declares the Lord.

                        The Lord put out His hand and touched
                        My mouth, and the Lord said to me:
                        Herewith I put My words into your mouth.


                        See, I appoint you this day
                        Over nations and kingdoms:
                        To uproot and pull down.
                        To destroy and overthrow,
                        To build and to plant…


Jer 1:17            So you, gird up your loins,
                        Arise and speak to them
                        All that I command you.
                        Do not break down before them.
                        I make you today a fortified city…


                        They (the people and leaders) will attack you,
                        But they shall not overcome you;
                        For I am with you to save you.
                                                  - declares the Lord.


     One can only imagine what the "collaboration" of Melchizedek with the prophets was like. But Jeremiah paints a very good picture of what it was like to him. My mental picture is of a boy who hears his name and says "who me?" With his index finger pointing to his chest, and his head swiveling around, desperate to find anyone else at all. If his friends had been around, perhaps hiding behind a wall, they would have been howling with laughter. Poor Jeremiah, suddenly he is over "nations and kingdoms" when just yesterday all he had to do was the equivalent of today’s mow the lawn. Surprisingly, to me, Moses’ reaction was just the same – as a matter of fact "the Lord" had to promise to let Aaron, his brother, speak for him to get him to go along at all. Prophets are normal human beings like everyone else, except that through their relationship with God they are molded into a new form for a new task, the seed of which has been planted within their own being, the as yet unfolded flower of new possibility.
     The Lord addresses Israel in picturesque language:


Jer 2:24            Consider what you have done!
                        Like a lustful she-camel,
                        Restlessly running about,
                        Or like a wild ass used to the desert,
                        Snuffing the wind in her eagerness,
                        Worse passion none can restrain,
                        None that seek her need grow weary –
                        In her season they’ll find her!


     The lack of sexual restraint is a frequent trait noted by the prophets, especially when speaking against Israel, Ephraim, and the Northern Tribes. Heightened pleasure potential and enhanced spiritual receptivity are markers for the presence of Adamic genes, which augment creativity, imagination, aesthetic appreciation and pleasure responsiveness (UB 586, 942).


Jer 3:14           Turn back rebellious children (Israel) – declares the Lord. Since I have espoused you, I will take you, one from a town and two from
a clan, and bring you to Zion. And I will give you shepherds after My
own heart, who will pasture you with knowledge and skill. And when you
increase and are fertile in the land, in those days – declares the Lord – men
shall no longer speak of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, nor shall it
come to mind. They shall not mention it, miss it, or make another. At that
time, they shall call Jerusalem "Throne of the Lord," and all nations shall
assemble there…They shall no longer follow the willfulness of their evil  hearts. In those days, the House of Judah shall go with the House of Israel; they should come together from the land of the north to the land I gave
your fathers as a possession.


     This passage refers to the end of this age when Judah is reunited with Israel. The shepherds (leaders) are replaced by good leaders and "the Lord" is in Jerusalem and on his "Throne" symbolizing the sovereignty of "the Lord," Planetary Sovereign, Melchizedek.
     We are told that the new reunified Israel of Christians and Jews, will not revert to the traditions of ancient Judaism but instead will go forward with religion in the new light in which they stand at ages end.
    We are also told indirectly, that 'the nations had followed the willfulness of their evil hearts' in times past. This is consistent with the negative judgment of the nations and their leadership expressed many time elsewhere in scripture.
     This passage definitely refers to the messianic end of the age by virtue of : 'in that day', 'in that time', 'the assembling of all nations in Jerusalem', and the reunification of Judah and Israel.
     And now Jeremiah speaks about the onslaught of Jerusalem by Babylon in ancient times. The Lord says:


Jer 4:19           Oh the walls of my heart:
                        My heart moans within me…

                        Disaster overtakes disaster…


     "The Lord’s" heart breaks watching his children’s chosen fate of destruction at the hands of the Babylonians. With frustration the Lord says:


Jer 4:22           The people are stupid
                        They give Me no heed;
                        They are foolish children,
                        They are not intelligent
                        They are clever at doing wrong.
                        But unable to do right.


     This is a perfect, if not tactful, description of we "the people" now, as it was then. We ignore our prophets and follow our foolish and deceitful leaders into destruction-- over and over and over again!!!


Jer 5:23           Yet this people has a wayward and defiant heart
                        They have turned aside and gone their way…
                        Among My people are wicked men,
                        Who lurk, like fowlers lying in wait
                        They set up a trap to catch men…
                        So their houses are full of guile;
                        That is why they have grown so wealthy.
                        They have become fat and sleek…
                        And they prosper.


Jer 5:30           An appalling, horrible thing
                        Has happened in the land;
                        The prophets prophesy falsely,
                        And the priests rule accordingly;
                        And My people like it so.


     This fits our country perfectly today. Ends of ages are very similar. America is repeating the history of ancient Israel. Human beings are very predictable. We repeat the same mistakes over and over again. We do not learn from our mistakes. We see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. As God says "My people are stupid, foolish, and unintelligent." We never heed our true prophets. We don’t love truth and so we can’t recognize it when it is right in front of our face. The collapse of this nation is heralded by its near total disrespect and disregard for the truth. Jesus says, "I have come into this world, to bear witness to the Truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears and listens to My voice." We, like Pilate, respond "Truth? What is truth?"

Also consider these quotes about truth.




Mk 4: 22          Nothing is hidden that will not
UB 1682          be made manifest (Jesus)

UB 1713          You cannot compel men to love the truth

UB 43              All truth is both beautiful and good

UB ll25            All truth takes origin in God

UB 1745          There is no peace in the heart or progress in the mind unless you fall
                        wholeheartedly in love with truth.

UB 2078          The sincere pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness leads to God.

UB 42              Happiness ensues form truth because it can be acted out, it can be lived

UB 1459          Truth can never be man’s possession
                        Without the exercise of faith.

UB 1731          "fail not to discern the words of truth that come not through the
                        traditional oracles of supposed inspiration" (Jesus)

UB 1466          "the man was not hungry for truth. He was not dissatisfied with
                        himself. He was not ready to ask for help, and the eyes of his
                        mind were not open to receive light for the soul…You cannot
                        reveal God to those who do not seek for Him." (Jesus)

UB 1796          "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free." (Jesus)

UB 247            (The Urantia Book) is assigned to enlarge truth.

UB 1008          The Urantia Book is the most recent presentation of truth.


But truth, if too bright, can blind as well as illuminate, therefore –


Emily               Tell all the Truth but tell it slant -
Dickinson        Success in Circuit lies

#1129              Too bright for our infirm delight
                        The Truth’s superb surprise
                        As lightening to the children eased
                        With explanation kind
                        The truth must dazzle gradually
                        Or every man be blind –


It is more certain than a law of physics that –


Hosea 4:14      A people that is without sense must stumble


.Jeremiah continues, the Lord says:


The People


Jer 6:10           To whom shall I (Lord) speak,
                        Give warning that They may hear?
                        Their ears are blocked
                        And they cannot listen
                        The word of the Lord has become for them
                        An object of scorn; they will have none of it.

Jer 6:13            From the smallest to the greatest,
                        They are greedy for gain;
                        They act falsely.
                         They offer healing offhand
                        For the wounds of My people,
                        Saying, "All is well, All is well,"
                        When nothing is well…
                        They do not feel shame,
                        And they cannot be made to blush…

Jer 6:17           And I raised up watchmen for you.
                        "Hearken to the sound of the horn!"
                        But they say, "We will not."


     Above, Jeremiah warns Israel in the days before the Babylonians in 600 B.C. They would not listen. They could not see. They believed what they wanted to believe. They did not love truth. Can we learn from the past?

     The watchmen are the prophets gazing out ahead over the changing landscape of events. One can see from these passages that human nature at its worst has not changed one iota since Jeremiah’s time.


Jer 8:5    They cling to deceit,
              They refuse to return…
              They do not speak honestly…
              They all persist in their wayward course…
              My people pay no heed…
              Assuredly, for naught has the pen labored,
              For naught the scribes!
              The wise shall be put to shame…
              They reject the word of the Lord,
              So their wisdom amounts to nothing.


Worldly Wisdom


     And so, the leaders lead the people, as the blind lead the blind. And we love to have it so! Notice very carefully, the "wise" reject the Lord (God) and therefore their wisdom amounts to nothing. If you answer the most important question about life wrong, everything else you think, do, or know, is colored by this gross misperception of reality. Modern science is far, far more compatible with the idea of an intelligent creative source than it is with the idea of an infinitesimally small, random accident appearing from out of nothing. The physical constants, such as the mass of the electron, are so finely tuned, that if just one of them were changed, by an extremely small amount, then the prerequisite conditions for life would be eliminated! The probability of these constants being so finely tuned by a random accident is so infinitesimally small that it is indistinguishable from zero. And yet this is just what most of our scientists actually believe. They readily accept that a universe can just pop out of nothing for no reason, but to believe that Jesus gave sight to the blind is intolerable. Let us be very clear, the assumptions of most of our scientists, philosophers and other "intelligentsia" are not supported by logical analysis but rather are articles of faith, lacking any plausible rationale whatsoever. History will look back at our so-called "modern intellectuals" with a wide-eyed stare of disbelief; that so many, for so long, could have been so wrong, about so much. Fortunately, the laws of modern physics speak for themselves. They tell us that every part of our Universe is connected to every other part by instantaneous connections. The reason for this is that what we see and measure is a lower dimensional reality embedded in a higher dimensional reality. The seemingly disparate and separate universe phenomena are really unified and coherent at higher reality levels. Modern physics is now contemplating a universe of ten physical dimensions rather than the three dimensions that are apparent. The equations for our modern laws greatly simplify when represented in this ten dimensional form, which may prove to be the form of a new physics for the 21st century. Time will tell. The Urantia Book also tells us that the physical universe is based on the number ten. In truth, no one understands what simple words such as space, time, energy, and mass are. These words are symbolic representations describing a reality that transcends all mental constructs about said reality. The greatest error in philosophy is the confusion of our symbols about reality, with reality itself. For example, everyone has heard about the "wave – particle duality" of quantum physics. Hundreds of books have been written about this subject of how small particles can sometimes behave like waves, and vice-a-versa, waves can behave like particles. This confuses us to no end, until we realize that reality is telling us that there are no such things as either particles or waves and that the actual reality is something altogether different and beyond our ideas about that reality. The source of all reality is the transcendent God and therefore, reality is "made out of" something wholly transcendent to mere mortal ideas about it. And so, reality, like a banana peel, slips ever faster from our hands as we try ever harder to squeeze and define it into our artificial mental constructs. The duality is not in nature, rather is it unavoidably introduced by our analytic models of nature. Reality is whole. The process of analysis must break the wholeness in order to study it. The real limit is in the very nature of how a human, finite, mind must function. The source of the world around us is the absolute, transcendent, and infinite God and since the source of something determines the nature of that thing, all reality is transcendent and "miraculous," wholly beyond the finite grasp of man. Modern physics tells us that when finite mind contacts infinite reality, paradox results. In fact, paradox is a marker for the contact between the infinite and the finite. Paradox tells us that there is something more in addition to what our analytic symbols can represent. The whole is always greater than the part. Humility always results from the understanding of our true insignificance amidst the infinite. And yet, we are deemed worthy by God to inherit an infinite kingdom.

     Now, returning to the main text of Jeremiah. The Lord says:


The People


Jer 9:1             Oh, to leave my people
                        To go away from them –
                        For they are all adulterers,
                        A band of rogues.
                        They bend their tongues like bows;
                        They are valorous in the land
                        For treachery, not for honesty
                        They advance from evil to evil
                        And they do not heed Me
                                                declares the Lord…


Jer 9:14            One man cheats another
                        They will not speak the truth…
                        Lo, I shall smelt and assay them – …
                        And I will make the towns of Judah
                        A desolation without inhabitants.

Jer 9:11           What man is so wise
                        That he understands this?
                        To whom has the Lord spoken.
                        So that he can explain it:
                        Why is the land in ruins
                        Laid waste like a wilderness
                        With none passing through.


     God is speaking here through Melchizedek in "collaboration" with the prophet Jeremiah. Most importantly, the prophet misconstrues God as the agent of "punishment." The "punishment" however is actually the necessary result of man’s own poor choices and behaviors, which disregard the laws of God. If someone walks off a physical cliff, they will fall on the rocks below. If one walks off a spiritual cliff of rebellion against God’s Will, one will also fall and hit the rocks below. Night follows day. Reaction follows action. Result follows cause. This is why the prediction for crisis in our world and in our country is so easy and so certain. The spiritual laws of God are being intentionally and unintentionally violated on an immense scale. Consequence must follow cause. It is not God’s will that we suffer. It is His will that we choose to become His sons and daughters, inheritors of His kingdom, His junior partners in His magnificent plan for an infinite and ever expanding future. But without freedom to choose wrongly, there is also no possibility for goodness and love, and without the possibility of love, God would venture no universe. And so, the choices of life and death are placed before us and we individually and collectively choose what we will. The biggest problem today is our leadership, our morally bereft political and financial controllers who steer us toward sure disaster. But God will not allow the few to ruin it for the many. There are many, many good people throughout the world that are doing their best for their families and their fellows. However, none of our decent human beings are in positions of true power. The ones with real power are the ones willing to "step on" other people to get where they are. They have "paid their dues" and "sold their souls." Our very worst element of humanity is in control of the destiny of the entire planet. What is required is a leadership transplant. And this is precisely what will be accomplished by Melchizedek’s arrival. The meek will inherit the earth and the arrogant will disinherit it. Consider:


The Leaders


Ezek 39:10      Thus said the Lord God.
                        Behold I am against the shepherds (leaders)
                        And I will require my flock at their hand
                        And cause them to cease from feeding the flock…

Ezek 34:5        And they were scattered (the sheep, people)
                        Because there is no shepherd…
                        Therefore I will save my flock
                        They shall no more be a prey

Ezek 34:2       Woe to the shepherds of Israel (past and present)
                        That do feed themselves!
                        Should not the shepherds
                        Feed the flock?

Isaiah 9:16      They who lead this people
                        Cause them to err,
                        And they who are lead by them
                        Are swallowed up.

1Enoch 38:4    From that period those who
                        possess the earth shall
                        cease to be powerful and exalted…

1Enoch 38:5    Yet the mighty kings of that
                        Period shall not be destroyed;
                        But will be delivered into the
                        Hands of the righteous and holy (elect)

1Enoch 46:4    He (messiah) shall hurl kings
                        From their thrones and their dominions…
                        The countenance of the mighty
                        Shall He cast down, filling them
                        With confusion.

1Enoch 46:7    In those days shall the kings
                        Of the earth and the mighty men,
                        Who have gained the world by
                        Their achievements, become humble
                        In countenance…

1Enoch 46:8   


Said the Master

 Jesus Christ






Quote from "The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand" by Ed at