The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand


Melchizedek’s Legacy



Old Testament Prophecy---

Melchizedek’s Legacy




     The Urantia Book has many of the missing pieces to a grand puzzle about our world and our place in it.  So much that was previously covered up is now revealed in the light of day.  Consider Melchizedek and his entrance into world history approximately 4,000 years ago. For those unfamiliar with the Urantia Book, our world has undergone intense deprivation and disarray as a result of the Lucifer rebellion and the failure of Adam and Eve.  The disastrous results of these events have only been partially remediated by the activities of Melchizedek and Jesus.  The Urantia Book tells us that:


UB (Urantia Book)

1014                …revealed truth was then threatened with extinction…following the
                        miscarriage of the Adamic mission on Urantia (Earth)… The concept
                        of God had grown dim and hazy in the minds of men… Machiventa
                        Melchizedek, one of twelve planetary receivers, volunteered to do
                        that which had been done only six times in the history of all Nebadon;
                        to personalize on earth as a temporary man of the realm, to bestow
                        himself as an emergency Son of world ministry.


UB 1015         It was 1,973 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa Melchizedek
                        was bestowed… Like Jesus, Melchizedek attended strictly to the
                        fulfillment of the mission…. He came to achieve two tasks: to keep
                        alive…the truth of one God and to prepare the way for the subsequent
                        mortal bestowal of a Paradise Son of that Universal Father.

                        (Jesus, the Son of Man).


UB 852            The supramaterial government of Urantia …continued, but
                        direct physical contact with the evolutionary races had been
since the death of Adam.


UB 853            Physical representatives of the universe government had been
                        stationed on the planet . . . over a period of more than four
                        hundred and fifty thousand years and now had this come to an end.


UB 853           Angelic helpers continued to struggle in conjunction with the
                        thought adjusters, both working heroically for the salvage of the
                        individual; but no comprehensive plan for far reaching world
was promulgated to the mortals of the earth until the
                        arrival of Machiventa Melchizedek, in the time of Abraham,
                        who, with the power, patience and authority of a Son of God, did
                        lay the foundations for the future uplift and spiritual rehabilitation
                        of unfortunate Urantia.


     The quotes above describe the reasons and purposes of Melchizedek’s incarnation on our world.  Let’s step back a little bit and review the information we have to date about this mysterious and important figure of Melchizedek, who interacts with Abraham during the dawn of the Judeo-Christian experience.  Also a note of explanation, Nebadon is our section of the cosmos.
     For those readers not familiar with Melchizedek,


The Bible tells us:


1.      Melchizedek was King of Salem (Gen 14:18) which later developed
into Jeru(salem).

2.      He was Priest of the Most High (God). (Gen 14:19)

3.      Is before and above Abraham. Blesses Abraham and receives
tithes from Abraham. (Gen 14:20)

4.      He is an immortal being: a ‘priest forever’ (Ps. 110), ‘without
record of father and mother or ancestral line, neither with
beginning of days nor ending of life.’ (Hebrews 7:3)

5.      ‘resembles the Son of God’ (Hebrews 7:3)

6.      Is on a similar divine status as Jesus.  Jesus is ‘a High Priest forever

      after the order of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 6:20)


The Urantia Book tells us that:


1.      Melchizedek is a Son of God below the order that Jesus is from
 (UB 335)

2.      After the failure of Adam and Eve he was sent here to begin
restoring the divine plans for our world. (UB 853)

3.      He was here on our world, beginning around 2000 B.C., for
approximately 100 years as an adult physical being of the
realm. (UB 1015)

4.      His main goal was to prepare a people, Israel, that would

                              understand and recognize Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man.

                        5.   He first had to establish monotheism, the concept of the One God,
                              so that the Son of the One God, Jesus, could be understood. This
                              was accomplished mainly through the Patriarchs and Prophets of
                              Israel, especially Elijah whose successful campaign established the
                              One God over and above the multitude of tribal gods (Baals)
                              previously in existence. (UB 1062)
                        6.   He brings God’s covenant to Abraham (UB); he is the‘messenger’
                              of God’s covenant with Abraham. (Malachi 3:1)
                        7.   He collaborated with the Prophets to bring God’s plans and
                              perspectives to man (Israel). (UB 1024). In addition there is a multitude of
                              other information about Melchizedek in The Urantia Book which fills
                              out our knowledge of this previously mysterious figure.


The Dead Sea Scrolls tells us:


                        1.   Melchizedek is one and the same as ‘the Lord’ in the Old
(when not referring to God Himself.) (DSC 11Q13) This
                              agrees with statements in The Urantia Book.

                        2.   Melchizedek is the Lord/Messiah who comes in the last days when
                              "all the nations" come against modern Israel as prophesied by the
                              Old Testament Prophets (11Q13) This agrees with The Urantia Book
                              statements to the effect that Melchizedek is soon to be our Planetary
                              Prince, a World Messiah in residence. (UB 1025 and 1251)


     The correlation of the information in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Prophets, and The Urantia Book is a very important observation that suggests a connection to a common source.  That source can only be the source of all truth, the divine kingdom of heaven, from which God Himself is directing the revelation of truth to his evolving sons and daughters of the material world.
     Notice carefully that Melchizedek’s plans involve global welfare, are "far reaching" into the future, and are comprehensive.  Comprehensive includes all three aspects of reality: material, intellectual, and spiritual.  A comprehensive plan would then address the genetic-biologic level, the concept-comprehension level, as well as the spiritual level which was addressed by Michael’s (Christ’s) bestowal (incarnation).  As we look around the world today, can we really say that the need for "uplift and spiritual rehabilitation" has been fully satisfied?  Did the bestowal of Michael (Christ) complete and end Melchizedek’s "far reaching, comprehensive plan"?  Or is there more to come?


UB 1020         Melchizedek made a formal covenant with Abraham at Salem.
                        Said he to Abraham:  ‘Look now up to the heavens and number
                        the stars if you are able; so numerous shall your seed (offspring)
!’. And Abraham believed Melchizedek, and ‘it was counted
                        to him for righteousness.’  And then Melchizedek told Abraham
                        the story of the future occupation of Canaan by his offspring after
                        their sojourn in Egypt.


    Note here that the Urantia Book documents that Melchizedek already knew about Israel’s future occupation of Canaan and tells it directly to Abraham 400 years before it happens.  What else did Melchizedek know?  The Urantia Book offers a clue.


UB 2082         Do not overlook the value of your spiritual heritage, the river
                        of truth running down through the ages . . .


     Could this river of truth, at least in part, be the Judaic and Christian scriptural heritage? Have we overlooked anything?  Perhaps the re-analysis of scripture, in the new light of Urantia Book information, could reveal new scriptural meanings not fully appreciated in times past.  The Urantia Book tells us that:


UB 1021          Melchizedek continued for some years to instruct his students
                        and to train the Missionaries, who penetrated to all
                        surrounding tribes, especially to Egypt, Mesopotamia and Asia
                        Minor. … missionaries penetrated all of Europe, even to
                        the British Isles.  Also, the Hebrews became loosely established
                        in Palestine. …They became idolatrous and licentious and their
                        idea of Deity fell far below the Egyptian and Mesopotamian
                        concepts of God that were maintained by certain surviving
                        groups and which were recorded in the Psalms.
… The Psalms are
                        the work of over a score or more authors; many were written by
                        Egyptian and Mesopotamian teachers. No other single collection
                        covers such a great range of time…and embraces the entire period
                        Amenehope to Isaiah.


     And so we have a definite pedigree that leads from Melchizedek through his missionaries and to the psalms.  Whatever the psalmists’ understandings were, they obtained directly from their long contact with an authoritative source, Melchizedek.  Is it possible that information regarding Melchizedek’s future plans for Urantia was revealed to the missionaries and may be gleaned from the Psalms?  Scholars of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been surprised by the large emphasis placed on the use of the Psalms, as a prophetic source by the Qumran community.  In light of The Urantia Book information, they no longer need be surprised.


UB 1043          It was the missionaries of the period following the
                         rejection of their teaching who wrote many of the Old

                         Testament Psalms (? 1800 B.C.), inscribing them on stone,
                         where later-day Hebrew priests (580 B.C.) found them
                         during captivity and subsequently incorporated them among
                         collection of hymns ascribed to Jewish authorship (i.e., of David).


UB 1061          And thus did the remnants of the missionaries in
                        Mesopotamia maintain the light of truth
during the period
                        of the disorganization of the Hebrew peoples (probably from
                        Abraham to Moses, approximately four hundred years) until
                         the appearance of that long line of teachers of Israel
Testament prophets) . . .(my parentheses)


Next consider that:


UB 491            When Machiventa Melchizedek ministered in semi-material
                        form on Urantia, he paid respectful homage to the Most High

                        Observer. …


     The Urantia Book author slips in the very important fact that Melchizedek ministered on Urantia in semi-material form as well as in his prior material form of 94 years.  Semi-material means partly visible to the human eye. Also:


UB 1024         This same Melchizedek continued to collaborate throughout
                        the succeeding nineteen centuries with the many prophets and
                        seers, thus endeavoring to
keep alive the truth of until …
                        Michael’s (Christ’s) appearance on earth.


     We know now that not only did Melchizedek minister in semi-material form after his physical ministry, but also that he "collaborated" with the prophets.  This semi-material collaboration with the Old Testament prophets resulted in the prophetic Old Testament scripture we have today. Melchizedek collaborated with Abraham, with Moses, with Jacob, with Elijah, with Isaiah, with Jeremiah, with Ezekiel, with Daniel, with the twelve "minor prophets" Joel through Malachi, with the Teacher of Righteousness of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and with Enoch.  Each of these prophets have yet much to reveal in dawning light of our 21st century. Melchizedek calls to us through 2,500 years of time and says:


Hosea 12:11         I spoke to the prophets;
                             It was I who multiplied visions,
                             and through the prophets gave parables.


     The Urantia Book also tells us that the later prophets (Isaiah through Malachi) were more accurate than the earlier prophets such as Samuel.  We will therefore focus our study on the later prophets listed above.  The Urantia Book also explains that the prophets’ understanding of God’s motives and nature was conditioned by the cultural beliefs of their respective times. The prophets therefore confused, at times, God’s holiness and righteousness for anger, God’s far-seeing wisdom for retribution, and His intense concern for the welfare of His children for jealousy. With time, the improved understanding of God’s loving and merciful nature progressed to a climax in Second Isaiah (Chaps. 40-55), with respect to whom:


UB 1069          No more beautiful proclamations about the heavenly Father have
                        have ever been made.


     As always, then, we must work with truth and error side by side, and use the generously bestowed wisdom and information made available to us through The Urantia Book.  Suffice it to say, for now, that the foundation of prophetic Old Testament scripture rests squarely on the shoulders of Melchizedek.  He already knew the future of Israel and he collaborated with the psalmists, prophets, and servants of God to foretell, very accurately, the future history of Israel. Also, we will come to understand the evolution of meaning that scripture attaches to the word "Israel," which ultimately means all those who desire to do the Father’s will.  This foretold history is a demonstration of the omniscience of God and his complete mastery of the universe, which He has created.
     In the upcoming chapters, we will use as our sources the three major and twelve minor Prophets of the Old Testament, the book of 1Enoch, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Daniel, the Book of Revelation, as well as various and sundry other writings that seem appropriate along the way. I will also introduce to you an undiscovered major prophet.  As Jesus tells us, God:


UB 1731          did not cease to minister words of truth to the world when
                        the prophets of old made an end of their utterances.  And, we
                        ourselves should "aspire to become the living prophets of the
                        Most High and the spiritual heroes of the coming kingdom."


UB 1390          And, "Jesus had an unerring ability for the recognition of
                        truth, and truth he never hesitated to embrace, no matter from
                        what source it emanated.


     With regard to 1Enoch, consider:


UB 1390          While in the synagogue library at Nazareth, among the
                        apocalyptic books, which he had been studying, the manuscript
                        called the "Book of Enoch" … proved very intriguing to him
                        (Jesus), and he read and re-read it many times. … No other
                        scripture was so near the truth as this story (about the son of
                        man) in this only partially accredited "Book of Enoch"


     What other great truths might we find in 1Enoch?

     The Dead Sea Scrolls are important because they provide crucial missing information to the overall prophetic picture of the Old Testament.  The leader of the Qumran community, the Teacher of Righteousness (100-200 B.C.), is an inspired and master interpreter of scripture.  He has much to teach us, and like the other Old Testament Prophets, the Teacher of Righteousness hints at a revelatory experience that very likely represents further "collaboration" with Melchizedek.
     The Revelation to John will be used in bits and pieces.  The Urantia Book tells us that:


UB 1555          When in temporary exile on Patmos, John wrote the Book
                        of Revelation which you now have in greatly abridged and
form.  This Book of Revelation contains the surviving
of a great revelation, large portions of which were
                        lost, other portions removed, subsequent to John’s writing.


     It is preserved only in fragmentary and distorted form.  Because of this information I have used Revelation sparingly and only when it builds upon a line of prophecy already established previously in scripture.  The "collaborator" in Revelation is no longer Melchizedek, but instead Jesus/Michael for the first time, as the "age of the gentile Christians" begins.
     I have also included the work of several poets because prophets are usually poets and poets are frequently prophets.  Many times poetry foresees that which is later understood through science and philosophy.  This is so because:


UB 1199          Supreme and self-acting adjusters are often able to contribute
                        factors of spiritual import to the human mind when it flows
                        freely in the liberated but controlled channels of creative


     Of course, God Himself is the ultimate source of all true prophecy.  He tells us:


Isaiah 48:12           I am He—I am the First,
                               And I am the Last as well.
                               My own hand founded the earth,
                               My right hand spread out the skies.


Isaiah 48:16          From the beginning, I did not speak in secret; . . .


Isaiah 48:3            Long ago, I foretold things that happened,
                               From My mouth they issued, and I announced them;
                               Suddenly I acted, and they came to pass . . .


Isaiah 46:10          I foretell the end from the beginning,
                              And from the start, things that had not occurred.
                              I say: My plan shall be fulfilled;
                              I will do all I purposed . . .


Isaiah 48:6           As of now, I announce to you new things,
                              Well guarded secrets you did not know.
                              Only now are they created, and not of old . . .

Isaiah 46:13          I am bringing my victory close;
                              It shall not be far,
                              And my triumph shall not be delayed.


     In conclusion, God is the source and Melchizedek is the mediator of all Old Testament prophecy. (Bible quotes are from the Hebrew translation, Tanakh, unless otherwise stated.)

What secrets of the line could be buried there?


Said the Master

 Jesus Christ






Quote from "The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand" by Ed at